
"From the anarchist perspective, all of us are above the law." Hot.
"Trump’s goons have been kidnapping your neighbors, blocking your access to abortion, openly promoting white nationalism, calling the targets for lone wolf assassins who shoot up synagogues—and your chief concern is whether what they’re doing is legal?" 🧵⬇️
Take Your Pick: Law or Cheerleading for "the rule of law" hamstrings movements for change, giving Trump and others like him precisely the tools they need to suppress dissent.
And this is why I am not an anarchist.
If Trump and his cronies take power, they will continue stacking the courts and passing ever more oppressive laws. The most honorable people in the history of this country are those who, like John Brown and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., chose to act according to their consciences, not the laws.
Yes, we should disobey laws that are unjust, but "all of us are above the law" doesn't follow from that. There's a huge leap there to go from talking about oppressive laws to talking about all laws.
"No one is above the law" is an internally coherent program, albeit one that easily lends itself to oppression. "Nothing about the framework of law makes it inherently ethically valid," the anarchist critique, is also internally coherent. But "disobey bad laws—obey good ones" just sits on the fence.
Either there is something inherently valid about all laws, in which case Trump and MLK are comparable, or else there is not—in which case, indeed, "everyone is above the law" and we need another framework to resolve our conflicts and reach consensus on what our responsibilities are to each other.
There is no legal framework in any government that legitimizes breaking "unjust laws." If you believe that we have a duty to break unjust laws, you are already basically making an anarchist argument—essentially, you are suggesting that people are only answerable to the laws they consider just.
IF? !!! He & his cronies are enabled. They are a direct byproduct of a seriously unwell population white knuckling a permanently deluded state of being for the last 75 yrs. IF? !!! POWER is only what you allow it to be. That's why America has lost preponderance.