
My 14-yo trans son will be old enough to vote in the next presidential election That is if a few things continue to exist Like him, and elections Anyhow!
i will say that i hate electoral politics just as the next trans-genderqueer, neurospicy, anarch-commie, but i think it is important to vote because some opponents are much harder than others, basically choose your enemy, pick which one we all are going to push against
Sucks! Super sucks!!! It all sucks!!!
That said, anyone saying shit like this to u is not a serious person The gory remains left by the gears of electoral politics are actually not your personal fault
Why is it always assumed that people who choose not to vote are always a potential Democrat voter?
Probably because the rightward/neoliberal drift of the Democratic Party since the 1980s has led to millions of registered voters dropping any party affiliation.