
The thing that's obvious to everyone and that nobody can actually write in the press is that the American (and yes, I'm sure elsewhere too) right wing is led by bad people and the object is to make more people extremely bad in basically every respect. It's anti-society
How does fascism even know when to stop like it's logical end point is just one incredibly racist guy atop a planet of literally rotting corpses What kind of a win is that, long term, especially compared to something like fully automated luxury gay space communism?
I think about this Bloom County strip All. The. Time.
Also Mussolini hanging from a telephone pole but mostly this comic strip.
Idk if fash have ever been truly lonely that they want it so badly for themselves My heart yearns for a global community of equal peers, not a suffering throng of writing inferiors looking up at me with nothing but hate the fuck that's so gross who WANTS that???
I’ve been sitting at my local pub all afternoon and someone brought in a bunch of German candies and chocolate cookies that aren’t available in the States and it reinforced that I want more diversity. I want a bigger world with endless varieties of people to meet & explore.
Reducing all of humanity to only what an evangelical preacher in Missouri can imagine would be a horror.
It's greatest dreams are of an utterly squalid world, it's very hard to see the appeal from the outside
At least they'll all die someday doing what they loved, being miserable
it’s all just nostalgic memes in a trench coat
Nazis seemed to think that once they conquered & remade their intended areas & re-imposed what they thought was the natural racial & state-led hierarchy, society would smoothly function as a super-organism. For ex., Slavs they allowed to survive would contentedly live as slave laborers.
That sure sounds like something an entire government and military on a tremendous amount of speed would think
super-accelerated late 19th/early 20th C colonial conquests met decades of racist pseudoscience, mythology, & horrendously distorted history met the emergence of mass media met the emergence of mass revolutionary movements--and shitheads thought, why can't we do one of those, but for awful stuff