
ooooh now THIS is interesting .. .. like hellyeah .. do we think Sony is going to buck a trend here?
I do. Rothman wants a change and now he has the power to lead rather than follow in this arena.
1. im going to take a moment to just realise that one of my fav authors is chatting to me here .. 2. I really should get them to sign my books 3. oh shit they are all kindle books see I told you this would happen 4. also .. lets really focus on how this could positively work.
we dont have Alamo here in the UK but we do sort of have Everyman .. I do wonder how what we could do if we made the understanding that film and art are as important as the venue as well
I just hope this means Sony will come riding in and save my local theaters in DFW. I've been going to the Richardson Drafthouse since it opened a decade ago. Save Iron Giant!
gotta say, i was always confused about sony through the streaming era, like “what are you doing? just movie related things?” and now i am like “keep doing what you’re doing, movie related things!”
Well, if you're cool with it, then I'm definitely not going to stress. My local Alamo is pretty much my refuge from the world.
Why is it legal for entertainment companies to own so many different parts of the supply chain? How does that not constitute a substantial market threat akin to monopoly?
This actually was illegal for decades. There was something called the Paramount Decrees that were created in 1948 that said studios could not own theaters. That was actually repealed in 2020. Sony is the first to make a move like this since the repeal.
That's worse. That's so much worse. 😭 I hate it here.
I just saw a pal post about it and I admit, it took me by surprise. (I’ve still never been to an Alamo Drafthouse. One day.)
I seem to remember something about movie companies owning theatres from my econ 101 class