
The shark doctor is in! Ask me anything. Have questions about sharks? Marine biology? Ocean conservation? Me? Anything at all? Ask me anything! Ask away, my flight is in two hours and I’m bored. Tag friends who might have questions, and please share! 🧪🦑🌎
How many types of live sharks have you gotten to touch?
One! I accidentally stepped on a young nurse shark while snorkeling, we scared each other pretty good! One of my most prized possessions is a great white tooth I found on the beach.
Okay, who was more surprised, you or the shark? :D All of my interactions have been in touch pools at aquariums, so smaller species who had strong opinions about humans.
I hate when people complain about sharks, they are there _all the time_, they always have been. If you happen to notice them and you feel nervous or they’re a bit large, just get out of the water.
For real! You're walking/swimming into their living room!
Someone mentioned that a list of "ways to avoid shark attacks" didn't start with (1) Stay out of the water.
Did you see the tiktok that went by a couple weeks ago where a Louisianan lady showed how to tell if there were gators in the water? She walked down, instructed you to put your hand in, and if it was wet? There were gators. Same idea in my head.
I'm from a landlocked area, so I grew up on lake and pool swimming so I just assume there's a shark nearby when I go into an ocean. :D "Hi, just visiting, don't mind me."
Yes, I assume every puddle has an alligator. Here’s the sign next to the picnic table at my office. 🐊
Seems obvious, yeah? ;P I grew up on Long Island NY during the showing of JAWS. Lots of anti-shark stuff, of course. Glad we have turned that around some. You can't blame a shark for being a shark. If someone dropped into your house you'd take a test nibble out of them, wouldn't you?
"I don't have the sensory organs you recognize, so 'scuse me as I test you with my teeth and tongue..."