David Shiffman, Ph.D. 🦈

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David Shiffman, Ph.D. 🦈


I am a marine conservation biologist studying sharks and a science writer. He/him
If you think Jaws is scary for not really showing the shark, you should check out spielberg's other films. they don't show the shark at all
I’m a grown ass adult and if I want to go to bed at 8:30 there’s absolutely nothing that any of you can do to stop me
With the International Seabed Authority meeting again in a little more then 2 weeks, a reminder that I maintain the Deep-Sea Mining custom feed, which tracks the #deepseamining conversation on Bluesky. bsky.app/profile/dran...
Huh. I got a Google scholar alert that a paper wildly outside of my field cited one of my papers. But they didn’t. They cited White et al 2021, not Whitenack et al 2021. Then the wrong reference got added.
A great day of shark tagging in Miami- we caught 4 sharks of 2 species, blacktip and blacknose!
You're the mayor of Shark City!
Come on, Shark Week. (Sora also has a PhD, a credential they provided for the man)
Look at those chompers! Anoplogaster is called fangtooth for a reason. 🐟🧪
I'm delighted to return to Smithsonian Associates this summer with a talk on Understanding Cephalopod Behavior! (unofficial title is "From Greedy Trickster to Kindly Teacher: Octopuses Have the Range") 🐙🧪 When: Mon, ​Aug 26, ​6:45-8:15 pm ET Where: Zoom smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/ti...
Understanding Cephalopod Behaviorsmithsonianassociates.org Stories that are told about octopuses involve escaping from aquariums, inventing tools, and holding grudges. But how many of these tales are true? Scientists have indeed documented extraordinary cogni...
SharkNado 2 is thanked in my PhD dissertation.
Sharknado or Under Paris or The Meg 2?
Thresher sharks use the upper lobe of their caudal fin, which can be as long as the rest of the shark, as a whip to stun prey fishes!
What's with the super long upper tails some sharks have?
Made it to Miami! I’ll be out on the R/V Garvin tagging sharks the next 3 days, including taking out social media followers and friends who donated to support a future trip for Miami public school students.
Myth: it is impossible to find shark themed clothing for any possible occasion Follow for more myth busting and happy Fourth of July! 🇺🇸
Happy 4th of July from Sandy, the shark who lives in my office
In the early Twitter days science types would show up and post when they had a new paper. Wonderful! But real talk y'all: papers take ages to write. So, post about other people's stuff! You read a paper and it was cool! Or you had a question! Or it tied to this other thing! Tag the authors!
Science folks, one thing about bluesky is there's way less 2 way interaction between people, especially on science posts, than there was on old Twitter. I'm not sure why that is, but it's something I'm keen to encourage. I'd love to hear your thoughts 🧪
That's pretty darn cool! Thanks for answering my question! They are such amazing animals!
0 sharks ever have been killed to supply $5 bags of shark teeth at beachside stores. Sharks lose teeth constantly their whole lives. You can find them on beaches.
I've seen bags of shark teeth for sale and was intrigued. They said they collect them, as sharks constantly lose them. Is that true? Is the shark tooth trade harming them? (Wondering whether to buy them for a craft project, as I'd like to avoid plastic)
Breaking: Secretary General of International Seabed Authority accused for misusing agency funds (Opposing candidate Carvalho should be dissuaded from standing as the next Secretary General by job favours.) 🇩🇪 asks for investigation... NYT article 👇 (behind paywall) www.nytimes.com/2024/07/04/u...
Fight Over Seabed Agency Leadership Turns Nastywww.nytimes.com An election over the future of a United Nations-affiliated organization could determine whether the Pacific Ocean floor will soon be mined for metals used in electric vehicles.
Yooo that's so interesting, thank you!
Hammerhead cephalofoils provide extra surface area for the electrosensory system, you’ll often see them moving their head back and forth across the sand like someone with a metal detector at the beach. Also useful for pinning flat prey like rays down so they can be munched
Are we any closer to understanding why hammerhead sharks are shaped the way they are?
I think it won the intercontinental belt from DFW at summer slam a few years ago