
"We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be” The leader of Project 2025
Dems should at least begin the process of impeaching certain members of the Supreme Court!
While I do not disagree that they should be impeached, we don’t have the votes to convict and remove them. With a majority in the Senate, we can get it done. Vote!!!
We don't have the votes to actually impeach him. Mike Johnson is the speaker of the house and thus it would never get to the floor.
Mike Johnson's days as Speaker are numbered. The House will flip this election.
From your mouth to God's ears! Meanwhile, I'm looking at the optics, even if the Dems don't get all the way! It will show that there was an effort.
Impeaching is a house thing and republicans have majority in the house.
I Dissent ain’t going to cut it. Either is do nothing let’s wait for November. You want to lead the country? Now would probably be a good time to start!!!
Who are you referring to when you say “You want to lead the country? Biden has been leading the country and doing a damn good job of it even with the shit he inherited and a circus of clowns masquerading as Representatives and Senators.
Biden needs better messaging...He has many accomplishments nobody knows about!!
This is a decades long issue with Democrats. They suck at messaging.
I’m referring to the war #SCOTUS is now waging against our #democracy and his authority.
Thank you for clarifying! Apologies if my tone came across as harsh. I'm exhausted from the Biden bashing.
Case in point someone mentioned earlier. All SC justices must retire at 75. Seems both reasonable and logical and with a stoke of a pen Alito & Thomas are both GONE!!! I’m most certainly not questioning what he’s done or accomplished at all. Far from it. #VoteBlue.
V is for Vandetta! ☠️🚫Project 2025 = Hell on Earth!