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Unapologetic Liberal
Political Junkie
Sarcastic AF
Straight ally 🌈
#TrumpForPrison #BLM #BidenHarris2024 #ExpandTheCourt
Slava Ukraine ✌️
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
I was born during Eisenhower's term. I lived through the Vietnam years, Nixon and Watergate, Reagan, Bush, all of it. I can tell you first hand, we've not been where we are right now. My skeets won't always be political, but the current paper thin line between freedom and fascism is in our control.
Yesterday, I attended a party with about 15 millennials & 20 boomers. Politics came up. Not one person had heard of Project 2025. I gave them a crash course on it. By the time it was over, I was able to convince everyone that this election is a choice between democracy and a dictatorship.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
It’s utter dereliction by the media - Biden stutters and there are 40 stories on it. In #Project2025 Trump proposes detention camps, using the military in American cities, forcing women to report their periods, eliminating access to abortion pills and rolling back LGBTQ rights … crickets.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
November 5th, 2024 will be the most important election in our life, thus far. Get informed and cast your vote. Your health care and way of life along with your loved ones will depend on the outcome.💙
Yesterday, I attended a party with about 15 millennials & 20 boomers. Politics came up. Not one person had heard of Project 2025. I gave them a crash course on it. By the time it was over, I was able to convince everyone that this election is a choice between democracy and a dictatorship.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
We saw the FBI take the stuff. I'm guessing it's way to hot to touch. Most powerful and wealthy in the world.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
Listen to this brilliant woman. She's engaged and very knowledgeable. Learn about Project 2025. You need to date to make sure it never happens.
Yesterday, I attended a party with about 15 millennials & 20 boomers. Politics came up. Not one person had heard of Project 2025. I gave them a crash course on it. By the time it was over, I was able to convince everyone that this election is a choice between democracy and a dictatorship.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
And that’s a good thing! Way too many don’t realize the danger we are in!
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
Infrastructure week will consist of Trump speaking of all the concentration camps being built.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
How misinformed ppl are. So great you were able to educate them. Ppl are clueless. 🤦‍♀️
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
I mentioned it on FB late last week and most of my friends (many whom I know IRL) went huh? I posted some basic summaries and the general reaction was somewhat along the lines on "Holy Shit!". One woman asked if they were Democrats; I set her straight.
Yesterday, I attended a party with about 15 millennials & 20 boomers. Politics came up. Not one person had heard of Project 2025. I gave them a crash course on it. By the time it was over, I was able to convince everyone that this election is a choice between democracy and a dictatorship.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
I know they are owned by right wing billionaires who benefit from trump🤬 Where’s the integrity of the reporters to report the truth. They will be suffering right along with the rest of us. It’s disgraceful what they do to President Biden. A good and decent man who cares about our country.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
It’s shameful what the media is doing. They are fixated on bringing Biden down. They will also be complicit in destroying democracy should trump win.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
Hey America and all MSM, take a good look at this POS. You really think he’s any healthier and capable of being the POTUS. This f’krs sick deceased mind can destroy your country.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
Yes, greed. You know their saying "if it bleeds, it leads" They made a lot of money during DJT's 1st presidency. While ignoring the fact, that during a second DJT presidency, they'll cease to exist
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
Heartbreaking and sickening Roberta this is where we are it. Having to worry night and day if that monster will get elected.. for those who disparage Biden or any Dem for that matter… are you out of your damn minds? Biden says he is running.. rally around him or get this evil perverted maniac. 🤬
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
This should be the ONLY THING the No Good media talks about! Why don’t they, is the question? Are they All sell outs? Greed over truth is their way now. 🤬 Trump Is A Rapist and A Pedophile If you vote for him or choose not to vote what does that say about YOU! 🤬
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
Someone apparently needs to put this on some billboards along side the highway as a reminder of what a #Republican vote is actually going to give you. If this isn’t disgusting enough for you? Invest a few minutes of your life exploring Project 2025 and recognise #Trump is their #Hitler.
The media is trash. Not one fucking word about this.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
I can only imagine. I can hardly stand to look at Trump.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.” Joseph Goebbels
“Trump: “I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they're saying and some of the things they're saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.” 7/5/24 Trump's own SuperPAC is running ads highlighting Project 2025.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
Additionally pass legislation requiring all golf courses be converted to farms in order to flood the market with food and reduce prices as well as increase exports opportunities. He’d have a stroke.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
I revile both of them so it’s great that they’re friends. You know the whole adage of show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you what you are. It’s real clear.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
I guess they are a thing of the past. Nothing is reasonable with this trump MAGAT GOP.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
That’s a brain worm the size of a dune sandworm! Good god, WTH has happened to remotely reasonable elections?!?
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
The first photo looks fake, but this one isn't:
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
A shower. Am I suddenly Steve Bannon? Fml.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
He disagrees with what they say, and thinks some is ridiculous and abysmal...but he knows nothing about it...LOL...and his magat followers don't have the critical thinking skills to figure out that he's lying right to their faces in that statement.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
Donald Barr, Bill's father, hired Epstein for a teaching job (for which he was underqualified) as headmaster at Dalton in NY. Donald was also headmaster at another school, one I attended, subsequently. He was forced out. Not good.
Reposted byAvatar FEISTY😈
Whatever it takes to get rid of him! I think we need an exorcism. 👿