
Christophe Dervieux
Christophe Dervieux
Open Source Software Engineer at working on scientific publication tooling for better reproducible research and technical communication.

Main project are Quarto #quarto and R Markdown #rstats #rmarkdown
Brooke Binkowski
Brooke Binkowski
Tlönista. Shitposting merrily downward. Weird plant, cat, books lady. Sci-fi, fantasy, art, jazz, etc. Profile photo is a selfie with the bottom half of my face hilariously covered by my cat's. Banner pic is of crows in a tree.
A.R. Moxon
A.R. Moxon
I'm worth a million in prizes.
Author of THE REVISIONARIES (2019) and VERY FINE PEOPLE (2024).
Mango-enjoyer. He/him.
Author site:
Weekly essays on my free newsletter, The Reframe.
Jadey Ryan
Jadey Ryan
🌱 environmental data science
#RStats #QuartoPub
🐈🐈🐈cat mom of three
@[email protected]
Sarah Brown
Sarah Brown
Assistant Professor in CS: researching ML/AI in sociotechnical systems & teaching Data Science and Dev tools with an emphasis responsible computing

New Englander, NSBE lifetime member

profile pic: me in a purplish sweater with math vaguely on the w
Dr. Casey Fiesler
Dr. Casey Fiesler
information science professor
Rebecca Watson
Rebecca Watson
is this the one that wins
Chris Fonnesbeck
Chris Fonnesbeck
Quantitative hack, PyMC Labs
Moira Donegan
Moira Donegan
Opinion columnist covering gender and politics at The Guardian. Writer in residence at the Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research. Real piece of work.
Rami Krispin
Rami Krispin
Data science and engineering senior manager at 
Author, open-source contributor 💻
Time-series analysis, and forecasting ❤️
Opinions are my own 😎
Talia Lavin
Talia Lavin
journalist, author of Culture Warlords, sword collector, schmoe. newsletter:

contact: [email protected]
James Balamuta
James Balamuta
omnipresent explorer of the unknown, fashionably caffeinated informatics phd, amorous cavalier. design, build, analyze. #rstats on #macos + #webr and #python with #pyodide
Brian C. Keegan
Brian C. Keegan
{Social, Data, Network, Information} Scientist.

High-tempo collaboration, online commons, public interest data science.

@CUInfoScience. @ucwcolorado.

Born at 345ppm.
Dan Simpson
Dan Simpson
Lover, artist, statistician.
Hannah Frick
Hannah Frick
tidymodels team | PhD in Statistics | co-founder | she/her
Jessica Hullman
Jessica Hullman
Ginni Rometty Prof @NorthwesternCS. Visualizing & modeling uncertainty. Interfaces + theory. Blog sometimes @statmodeling
Kieran Healy
Kieran Healy
Professor of Sociology at Duke University. /
Mike Bostock
Mike Bostock
Visualization toolmaker. Founder of Observable. Creator of D3. Former NYT Graphics. Pronounced BOSS-tock.
Knowledge Fight
Knowledge Fight
Since 2017, we've been a podcast that talks, at great length, about Alex Jones and the sundry weirdos and con artists that catch our attention.

Also, to get this out of the way, Celine is Dan's cat.
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
professor at duke university + developer educator at posit
cat videos = instant smiles
Software architect Also music, kids, books, bicycling, and goodness knows what else. Opinions my own. He/him
Eggplant Show
Eggplant Show
Candid conversations with creators that dive deep into the art, craft, and process of making games

More at

Hosts: Nick Suttner, Doug Wilson, Zach Gage, Andy Nealan, Sarah Emaleh, Laura E. Hall
Chris Kenny
Chris Kenny
PhD Candidate in Government @Harvard. Studies redistricting in #rstats.
Jen Rogers
Jen Rogers
Visualization, mountains, stupid jokes.
Alexander Lex
Alexander Lex
Data visualization researcher. Associate Prof of CS at the University of Utah. Lab website: Co-founder of
Danyel Fisher
Danyel Fisher
Data visualization; user experience with data analysis; general joyful data nerdery
We make free, open-source software for data scientists like the RStudio IDE.

We're formerly known as RStudio. You can always download our open-source IDE here.

Nth Year PhD Student | Lifelong Academic | Data Visualization and HCI Researcher | Amateur Illustrator and Digital Artist | Leftist
Kate Isaacs
Kate Isaacs
Assoc. Prof. Kahlert School of Computing & SCI Institute, The University of Utah. Data Visualization. HPC. She/Her.
Kenny Gruchalla
Kenny Gruchalla
Senior Scientist & Distinguished Member of Research Staff at NREL. Energy, immersive, and scientific visualization, HCI.
Maneesh Agrawala
Maneesh Agrawala
Forest Baskett Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Brown Institute for Media Innovation at Stanford.
matt brehmer
matt brehmer
human-computer interaction (HCI) and data visualization researcher interested in ubietous information experiences: new ways to communicate and collaborate around data. |
Alison Hill
Alison Hill

Data Science + Product + 1/3 of palmerpenguins team 🐧

Director of Product @ Anaconda
Previously: RStudio / IBM / Voltron Data / OHSU
Thomas Lin Pedersen
Thomas Lin Pedersen
Visualisation and graphics @posit_pbc.

Classic Generative Art Weirdo using 🖤 and R: and

isabel z
isabel z
she/her. data, dogs, doodles 👾🌈🐶
Tracy Teal
Tracy Teal
Dominik Moritz
Dominik Moritz
Visualization and data. Professor at CMU and researcher at Apple. Also sailboats and chocolate.
Alex Kale
Alex Kale
Assistant Prof of Computer Science and Data Science at UChicago. Research on visualization, HCI, statistics, data cognition. Moonlighting as a musician 🎺
Caitlin Hudon
Caitlin Hudon
Data + product + books + parenting. DS @ Figma; blogging @
Jeremy Allen
Jeremy Allen
Helping government agencies put R and Python into production with @Posit tools. #python #rstats cats coffee whiskey Atlanta
Arvind Satyanarayan
Arvind Satyanarayan
Asst Professing at MIT CSAIL. Data visualization, ML interpretability, accessibility, cognitively convivial information.
Lane Harrison
Lane Harrison
Assoc Prof Computer Science at WPI, director VIEWlab — we study data visualization
Dave Karpf
Dave Karpf
Political Communication Professor at GWU. I write a lot about the history and future of tech and politics. Best known for that one time I made fun of Bret Stephens.
Andrew McNutt
Andrew McNutt
Post Doc at UW
Incoming professor at University of Utah
Data Vibe-rationist + Generative Art Enthusiast + Programming Interface Enjoyer
Martin Wattenberg
Martin Wattenberg
Human/AI interaction. ML interpretability. Visualization as design, science, art. Professor at Harvard, and part-time at Google's People+AI Research initiative.
Jan Willem Tulp
Jan Willem Tulp
Data experience designer @ TULP interactive
Thomas Schultz
Thomas Schultz
Professor of Life Science Informatics and Visualization at the University of Bonn. Opinions are my own.