
Man, anyone remember when that New York Businessman ran against an incumbent Democrat both by promising to eliminate many (popular) Government programs and describing the poor health of current president? Anyone remember that? Anyways, that's how Thomas E. Dewey beat a sickly FDR in '44.
Dewey was in favor of the New Deal social welfare reforms, the UN, the Cold War, and LOST to FDR in 1944.
Trying to make a little joke here, I think we all know FDR famously won the Presidency FOUR TIMES, once as he was actually dying. Truman called out Dewey & the Republican 80th Congress's supposed enthusiasm for New Deal Expansion, giving them a session pass it so he could sign it. (They didn't)
I hope we see a parallel in polling too. In '48 (When the NY Republican who lost the last Presidential election ran AGAIN) Telephone polling had Dewey STRONGLY AHEAD. But in '48 only the wealthier half of Americans had home phones. Just as now only weirdos answer calls from unknown numbers.