
capital-G Gamers fascinate me so much because i cannot fathom the mind of an individual who insists so heavily that the existence of any sort of minority within a game is inherently political, yet also is completely incapable of recognizing when the game is actively making fun of them for bigotry.
When MetalGear Rising first came out, there were forums of libertarians annoyed the final boss is a libertarian congressman. It ruled
remember when the chuds got mad about wolfenstein a few years ago
It’s gotten worse over time for sure
I have bad news for both of y'all: a GamerGate chud has recently made a video decrying New Colossus Wolfenstein forward as "orange man bad: the game" and they seem to have take and run with that narrative.
It's incredible everyday I am so mad at gamers it is getting a bit worrying honestly. But how can you not when they are so fucking bigoted and stupid!
When I was a kid/teen, I was embarrassed people would find out I was a gamer (was fine with the anime and Britcoms though…) and now I’m starting to be embarrassed by being gamer-adjacent again. Just…the worst.
Fundamentally people who game are good. But gamers™ are poisoning the discourse to such a severve amount that there needs to be a vigilant campaign to push back, which doesn't seem to be en vogue right now due to bigger issues.
Agreed. And people who aren’t invested in the discourse/community are so conditioned to listen to the loudest voice that they only hear the shitty takes and assume we’re all flipping out about lengthening skirts and not the sexual assault or crunch culture.
Not only that, it encourages that said behavior is somehow good and normalized. I have seen too many "normal" gamers still parroting right wing talking points.
And people think fascist creep isn’t a real thing.