Cyaneyed 🪿

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Cyaneyed 🪿

Consumate professional terminally online pigeon.

"The oatmeal of posters" - me
My bearded dragon was 16 when I bought him some wax worms for treats. The little shit at the petshop chose to lecture me about how unhealthy waxworms are & I was like, "yeah, but these are treats for a very old man." & he continued to give me shit about buying them. I'm still mad
People complained that Chengdu zoo was letting their clouded leopard get fat, their expert explained "This cat is like thirty years old, that's twice as old clouded leopards GET, and he's just had major surgery. Making him lose weight would do WAY more harm, just let him have this."
Zala's favorite toy is a unicorn blanket. It was like $8 and she carries it around the house like a treasure
Does anyone else talk in their head & not realize they didn't actually verbalize anything? I feel bad for doing it all the time. Someone asks me a question, & I just stare at them a bit, not realizing I thought the response but didn't say it out loud
My chinchilla briefly escaped and ofc ran straight up to the dog. She didn't hurt him, we crated her fast & fixed the cage, but now she's hunting all over the house in case there are more loose chinchillas roaming around
Chinchilla fur is such a diabolical substance. So soft and nice on the critter, but once shed, it is magnetically attracted to the nearest face where it promptly adheres and defies all earthly methods of removal
When I get hangry I get hANGRY & somehow that sends a batsignal up that everyone should call or try to talk to me the second I acquire some food
Today's workout contained burpee sandbag tosses. Beginning to think my trainer is deliberately trying to be cruel & unusual 😭 🏋
Happy 4th! Should we compete to see who gets the most "This 4th our democracy is in peril" donation requests?
ACAB includes whatever this mess is
Oof, the state of the world and small localized stress from my job are really starting to bear down. I'm not hungry and I just want to go to sleep
Jamaica is directly under Beryl right now. Holy shit
I just watched the Futurama episode where he keeps dreaming about his mom. Wtf? I'm sobbing
Whoa. Talking to my MIL, they kept her awake for her heart surgery. Apparently, they went in through her wrists to put 2 stints in. She said it hurt when they inflated the balloons to open the stints, but otherwise, it was surprisingly quick and easy
I don't like when video games track how many hours you've played them. I don't want to know how much time I've spent on Persona 5. It's too much, I know it, don't give me a hard number
I actually grew up in one of the 3 cities suggested, well, technically 4 because Chandler and Gilbert are different cities. Kind of. It's all kind of Phoenix these days
When you petsit, are you allowed to steal? Cuz this little guy stole my heart, and I'd like to retaliate...
Reposted byAvatar Cyaneyed 🪿
DEVIL: And this is the lake of lava that you'll be spending eternity in. ME: Actually we're underground so it would be magma. DEVIL: This is why you're here, you realise.
My dog has this heavy plastic pinecone toy she adores, & today she figured out if she drops it on the bathroom scale it makes the display light up, so she's been doing that over & over all morning
Friendly reminder, men and women have different heart attack symptoms, learn the signs! My MIL just went to a Dr. with extreme nausea, turned out she was actively having a heart attack in the office. Luckily she was rushed into surgery and is doing OK.
Reposted byAvatar Cyaneyed 🪿
better to girldate in hell than mandate in heaven
Our monthly "please stay healthy & sane" workplace newsletter has a recipe for "delicious coffee at home" & the recipe is make coffee & add cream or sweetener to taste
You know you had a good workout when you can't figure out why your key fob isn't working to let you out of the gym, only to realize the fob is for your car and the gym door isn't locked, lol. 🏃 🏋
Discourse has hit a 2nd labeler
This bird is confused about magnets
this bird is a Juggalo
First monsoon rain of the year! Hell yeah, party time!
So after private equity has gobbled up every last business and run it into the ground for massive immediate profits, what happens next? How do they continue to make the line go up forever?
I do not understand what motivates people to yell stuff at people who are running. We're obviously doing something and aren't going to stop to talk or laugh with the 3rd stranger that yelled "where's the fire?" at us
🍜 food styling for a cool cookbook!
Two years ago I was doing the photoshoot for COLOR TASTE TEXTURE. I took a few behind the scenes shots, and thought y’all might like to see a couple. Here is one, of my amazing photographer Charlotte Anderson and food stylist McKenzie working. Including the finished shot of my tomato soup.