
i don't blame people in the us for not understanding french politics however yesterday's election was not the "left victory" that it's being paraded as the nazi party (not hyperbole) doubled their number of representative seats the "centrist party" will be joining the alliance of the far right
did the popular front do a ton of work? ABSOLUTELY. they organized out the ass but what was achieved was not the defeat of fascism, but a deadlock of parliament
I'll be honest, i barely understand the colonizer government structures that occupy the Americas let alone the completely alien structures of their homelands.
it's only worth understanding to the extent of its defeat
the gist of it is france still needs basterds but for real
I've not seen anything reported as far as Macron's lot joining forces with the RN. That would seem odd to me. I think what was heartening was the way the left, often very fractured in France, really joined forces to minimise the seats that the RN was likely to win.
200 plus candidates withdrawing between first and second round voting to avoid splitting left wing votes was an incredible feat.