
did the popular front do a ton of work? ABSOLUTELY. they organized out the ass but what was achieved was not the defeat of fascism, but a deadlock of parliament
i don't blame people in the us for not understanding french politics however yesterday's election was not the "left victory" that it's being paraded as the nazi party (not hyperbole) doubled their number of representative seats the "centrist party" will be joining the alliance of the far right
In military theory, the prevention of the enemy achieving a goal is itself a victory.
true and i agree what we have seen repeated is the complacency that immediately goes into effect and the marginalized and targeted are once again shouted over and ignored its brunch time baby!
That's a common problem, people not familiar with the nature of conflict are used to the idea of one victory and one victory only, it's how fiction goes. In reality, it takes victory after victory.
It's nice that I grew up on realistic fiction which emphasizes the nature of actual war. The whole Valravn thing also helps.
Whenever I think of this stuff a line from a game I played as a kid comes to mind "Setback after setback. Loss after loss.", describing how being defeated is a slow and disheartening process.
The centrist party is not going to join an alliance of the far right. No way in hell. They might refuse to form a majority government but there’s not gonna be an RN governing coalition.
Seriously that’s asinine- what part of “let’s engage in unprecedented coordination with the left to out maneuver the fascists” makes you think the next step is “let’s make a coalition government with the fascists”
This might have been what Macron wanted if the fascists did better but 1. They didn’t and 2. Macron’s weird and Attal doesn’t want anything like this
If they hadn’t done all this maneuvering I would totally not put it past his ass to but it seems like it would be utterly pointless to do after all this