
A Dem should bring an enlarged photo taken during the Influenza pandemic in 1918 of children wearing face masks. Those pics exist. It was considered the scientific approach then, same as now.
For MTG's enlightenment, that is.
MTG is incapable of any enlightenment. Can't turn on a burned out bulb. Her 6 brain cells left the building a long time ago.
I don't think enlightenment is in the cards for Empty Greene in this incarnation. Would love to be proven wrong, but I think the belligerent ignorance is too ingrained.
There was also an anti-mask organization back in the day. If only people evolved as effectively as viruses!
You're on to something! Viruses are more advanced than we are. Viruses rule! People drool! Seriously, it is a unique way of considering where viruses stand on an evolutionary scale compared to humans.
We’ll nuke ourselves out of existence, and viruses will continue to thrive!
Thrive and celebrate their victorious present and future.