
A conversational update on the status of Delaware’s rush to implement private equity’s worst ideas, to the nation’s detriment. (My amateur citizen’s observations are leavened by actual expertise on the law and DE politics, don’t worry)
🚨Ep298 Senate of Ill Repute🚨 Historian & legal expert discuss the opposition to the Corp Law bill SB 313 at the Judiciary Committee. (Bill passed the committee anyway via anonymous vote & passed a floor vote unanimously.)
E298 - Senate of Ill Repute (w/ Dael Norwood, Chancery Daily) | R.E. Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
Basically doing away with fiduciary duties? I haven't been following, but now I'm interested. And also has private equity (what a horrid term) ever had an unalloyed good(?) idea?
That’s about the size of it! It’s bad for DE, bad for ordinary ppl, and bad for honest business