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Highlands Bunker


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The full story of the matter @billmartin.bsky.social & I discussed last week. A pro-Palestinian protester arrested outside Sen Carper's house under strange circumstances gets a courtroom victory in an equally strange way. Public Defender 1 Purzycki admin nil www.delawareonline.com/story/news/2...
🚨Ep302 Bang on the Drum🚨 NCCo PD brutality, WPD buffoonery & POTUS blubbering. Plus, opportunities to show up for the project IRL -> Accountability Boards, fundraisers, Organizer Summits, and community rallies.. LFG www.patreon.com/posts/107944...
E302 - Bang On The Drum (w/The Crew) | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
🎆Ep300 Explaining Razzle Dazzle🎆 Former Kathy McGuiness defense attorney Steve Wood on witness intimidation, dynamics of the DE Bar, police misconduct & the sentiment behind razzle dazzle. ft: @billmartin.bsky.social Big thanks to Steve for a great talk www.patreon.com/posts/106988...
E300 - Explaining Razzle Dazzle (w/Steve Wood) | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
I went to see Suffs in New York a couple of weeks ago and was really taken with suffragist Ruza Wenclawska. I was disappointed with the lack of biographical info about her online. No one even knew when she died! So here's the result of my research so far. medium.com/@JanetLinden...
Ruza Wenclawska: Suffragist, Labor Organizer, Poet and Actormedium.com Note: Ruza Wenclawska used several different names in various aspects of her professional life, including Rose Winslow, Ruza Wenclaw, and…
It'll get worse before it gets better, but Zionism is in its death throes. 'The Collapse of Zionism: Six Signs of Breakdown' by the great historian Ilan Pappé newleftreview.org/sidecar/post...
Ilan Pappé, The Collapse of Zionism — Sidecarnewleftreview.org Six signs of breakdown.
If a semi-secret cabal of private attorneys who represent Private Equity Corporations want the illegal loopholes and side deals they've been doing to just be legal, by god our elected officials will make them legal by hook (Raju) and by crook (Chandler) delawarecall.com/2024/06/22/s...
Sparks fly in final hearing on corporate law amendments | Delaware Calldelawarecall.com Amid political division in the House, former chancellor William Chandler took shots at chancellors McCormick and Laster for speaking out against the bill.
🚨Ep299 A Walk Down Memory Bunker🚨 We reflect on the first 298 episodes ahead of next week's 300th. (Any guesses on the guest?) Karl pulled some fantastic clips for this one. www.patreon.com/posts/106558...
E299 - A Trip Down Memory Bunker | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
Charles Elson, the founding director of the UD center for Corporate Governance on this bill: “They’re making a terrible mistake . . . If this bill does pass, it’s damaging to Delaware.”
The latest, lucid update on bad law being hastily made in Delaware “Four lawmakers voted against SB 313 in the House Judiciary Committee. The amendments, which some have called a bailout for private equity, now head to the floor for a final vote.”
Dissent in House Judiciary over controversial corporate amendments | Delaware Calldelawarecall.com Four lawmakers voted against SB 313 in the House Judiciary Committee. The amendments, which some have called a bailout for private equity, now head to the floor for a final vote.
The latest, lucid update on bad law being hastily made in Delaware “Four lawmakers voted against SB 313 in the House Judiciary Committee. The amendments, which some have called a bailout for private equity, now head to the floor for a final vote.”
Dissent in House Judiciary over controversial corporate amendments | Delaware Calldelawarecall.com Four lawmakers voted against SB 313 in the House Judiciary Committee. The amendments, which some have called a bailout for private equity, now head to the floor for a final vote.
The hearing was notable, too, for how the bill's proponents DID NOT DEIGN to address, in any significant way, the many questions raised by business ppl, lawyers, & profs about the text, its effects, or the drafting process. In fact, they repeated, near-verbatim, the script from the Senate hearing.
Today's Delaware House Judiciary Com meeting on SB 313 was enlightening in many respects. This exchange (1:20-1:33), btwn Rep. Sean Lynn & expert witness Prof. Usha Rodrigues is a *masterclass* of policy discussion – highlighting the bill's many deficiencies sg001-harmony.sliq.net/00329/harmon...
House Judiciary Committee Meetingsg001-harmony.sliq.net House Judiciary Committee Meeting
This wasn't too surprising; the Delaware Way is not a dialogue, after all. But it was as a sign of disrespect to the other legislators (perhaps intentional?) who DID raise questions, and DID call other witnesses to give the matter full consideration. Kudos to those folks, & esp. Rep. Wilson-Anton
The hearing was notable, too, for how the bill's proponents DID NOT DEIGN to address, in any significant way, the many questions raised by business ppl, lawyers, & profs about the text, its effects, or the drafting process. In fact, they repeated, near-verbatim, the script from the Senate hearing.
Today was my first time visiting the Delaware General Assembly while it was in session, and I saw some of the most petulantly red-faced toddler behavior & some of the most impressive, informed and clear-eyed policy discussions I’ve ever seen in person. Truly, Delaware is a land of contrasts.
A conversational update on the status of Delaware’s rush to implement private equity’s worst ideas, to the nation’s detriment. (My amateur citizen’s observations are leavened by actual expertise on the law and DE politics, don’t worry)
🚨Ep298 Senate of Ill Repute🚨 Historian @dael.bsky.social & legal expert @chancerydaily.bsky.social discuss the opposition to the Corp Law bill SB 313 at the Judiciary Committee. (Bill passed the committee anyway via anonymous vote & passed a floor vote unanimously.) www.patreon.com/posts/106131...
E298 - Senate of Ill Repute (w/ Dael Norwood, Chancery Daily) | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
🚨Ep298 Senate of Ill Repute🚨 Historian @dael.bsky.social & legal expert @chancerydaily.bsky.social discuss the opposition to the Corp Law bill SB 313 at the Judiciary Committee. (Bill passed the committee anyway via anonymous vote & passed a floor vote unanimously.) www.patreon.com/posts/106131...
E298 - Senate of Ill Repute (w/ Dael Norwood, Chancery Daily) | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
No one distills the consequential complexities of Delaware’s corruption better than Jordan Howell. This piece is masterclass in urgently needed service journalism. You should care, even if you don’t live here - and Jordan explains why, lucidly. delawarecall.com/2024/06/12/s...
Senate Judiciary ignores objections to corporate law amendments | Delaware Calldelawarecall.com Despite pleas from dozens of legal scholars and Delaware residents, the controversial Senate Bill 313 was voted out of committee — but with silent defections.
The assembled cabal on the pod buried the lede; only if you listen all the way to the last 20mins do you learn that THERE WILL BE A PUBLIC HEARING about this terrible legislation. Next TUES, JUNE 11, 10am, Senate Judiciary Com Mtg. Virtual or in-person; register at the link to give a public comment
🚨Ep297 Market Practice🚨 The Corp Law changes have been delivered from Mt Sinai (Delaware Bar) @chancerydaily.bsky.social explains shareholder agreements, prospective stockholders & how market practice evolves into illegal acts (so says the Court of Chancery) www.patreon.com/posts/105699...
E297 - Market Practice (w/ Chancery Daily) | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
Meeting Notice - Delaware General Assemblylegis.delaware.gov
If lawyers’ skeets & judges’ LinkedIn posts have piqued your interest in how Delaware is gutting corporate governance at the behest of shorts-soiling robber barons, boy do I have the podcast for you! Get in on the ground floor of understanding the next wave of fraud & global financial crises!
🚨Ep297 Market Practice🚨 The Corp Law changes have been delivered from Mt Sinai (Delaware Bar) @chancerydaily.bsky.social explains shareholder agreements, prospective stockholders & how market practice evolves into illegal acts (so says the Court of Chancery) www.patreon.com/posts/105699...
E297 - Market Practice (w/ Chancery Daily) | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
🚨Ep297 Market Practice🚨 The Corp Law changes have been delivered from Mt Sinai (Delaware Bar) @chancerydaily.bsky.social explains shareholder agreements, prospective stockholders & how market practice evolves into illegal acts (so says the Court of Chancery) www.patreon.com/posts/105699...
E297 - Market Practice (w/ Chancery Daily) | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
🚨Ep 296 They Prose, We Dispose🚨 State Rep. Emeritus John Kowalko returns to discuss more massive corporate giveaways (Incyte/Port), ChristianaCare's monopoly leverage & the controversy surrounding the DGCL "process" www.patreon.com/posts/105232...
E296 - They Propose, We Dispose (w/ John Kowalko) | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
More on proposed changes to the DGCL. It's inside baseball so I get why mainstream reporters haven't picked this up, but the changes not only impact who wields power in corporations - a huge issue - but portend a real shift in how Delaware law is made - which matters for the economy generally
Controversy swirls around proposed changes to Delaware’s corporate code | Delaware Calldelawarecall.com Vice Chancellor Laster calls amendments a “major surgery” to Delaware law.
"The move was supported by a $14,787,075 grant awarded Monday from the state's coffers, in an application supported by the public-private economic development group Delaware Prosperity Partnership." Free market capitalism rules www.delawareonline.com/story/money/...
Pharmaceutical giant Incyte will move into two of Wilmington's most iconic buildingswww.delawareonline.com Incyte is expanding into Wilmington, purchasing the 500,000 square foot office buildings once home to MBNA.
🚨Ep289 If We Did It🚨 The crew discusses Rob's medical emergency, the growing insignificance of the Delaware political scene, the expiration of the Juice & Baba Booey to you all. www.patreon.com/posts/102182...
E289 - If We Did It (w/ The Crew) | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
🚨Ep287 Bombs in the Background🚨 Pro Palestine activist Mayram Rahmani discusses the bludgeoning group organizing actions in Delaware, the escalation of tactics & how the Wilmington Police has lost its nerve. www.patreon.com/posts/101231...
E287 - Bombs In The Background (w/ Maryam Rahmani) | R.E. Vanellawww.patreon.com Get more from R.E. Vanella on Patreon
In New Orleans, there's a section of I-10 that tore through the heart of one of the nation’s oldest Black neighborhoods. A study is looking at the health impacts on the Black community relating to the nearly 115,000 vehicles a day that use the overpass
A New Orleans neighborhood confronts the racist legacy of a toxic stretch of highwaywww.whatimreading.net New federal funds aim to address an array of problems created by highway construction in minority neighborhoods.