
It’s so lovely to see you popping up on Bluesky again, Dahlia!
Can the parents claim the embryos as dependents on their taxes and in applications for government assistance? Can the parents surrender the embryos to the state at a Safe Harbor box? Can I open 529 accounts for my embryos?
Oh I got one too: If you kill a woman in Alabama, does that make you a mass murderer/serial killer?
Absolutely horrifying. It is stunning that a government official uses this language in anything official: “incurring the wrath of a holy God.” Good people in Alabama that need IVF to start a family will suffer at the hands of these zealots.
Going to refer to my siblings as “extrauterine children”
"the plaintiffs—who already conceived several children through IVF" So this couple who had kids using IVF just stopped others from doing the same (at least for now) in the state? Well, damn them and their lawyers and funders of this case.