Patron saint of knife-sharpeners & librarians

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Patron saint of knife-sharpeners & librarians

The girl with the boom. she/her
Legitimately just thought “well the world is on fire, but my hair looks GREAT.”
This haircut better fix all my existential problems.
Boston girlies be like You Can Take Me Iced To Go
Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery.
Post the last photo of a dog you have in your gallery
Do we have a song of the summer this year? I can think of 3, maybe 4, that I hear everywhere, but there doesn't seem to be a clear winner.
Well look just because the world’s gone crazy doesn’t mean I have to do likewise
This haircut better fix all my existential problems.
Daughter found out today that she got into the AP class she wanted, and she went to the class site, got the name of the textbook, and the summer assignment. My husband told me this and I was like, "That is better executive functioning than either one of us."
I scrolled through the NYT's "100 best books of the 21st century" list so far, and it's always so fascinating to me that apparently nothing that could be considered "funny" is ever also considered "great."
My yoga instructor sounds like and I kind of keep expecting her to tell me some gossip.
How does this sweaty man have a better curl pattern than me.
I went to see "Gladiator" at a late showing with a bunch of extremely drunk Harvard classics majors (I was also extremely drunk, just not a classics major). It remains one of my favorite moviegoing experiences, even though I remember very little about the actual film.
My manager told me today that, through no fault of our own, all of our plans for the rest of the year might have to be scrapped for a fire-drill project and somehow work is STILL the least stressful part of my life.
Ah, it's Feeling Extremely Normal About Hozier hours again.
I'm so happy to be at an age where I truly cannot imagine giving a single shit about other people's socks.
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
Someone left a comment on an old fic that no matter how often they've read it, the jokes still make them laugh. And I'm sitting here like, "OK, well, it turns out that's everything I wanted to accomplish in life."
Add Soul Coughing to this list.
Me on Monday: "OK, Hozier, Måneskin, the Decemberists, Chapell Roan, Hozier again, Megan thee Stallion, and Vampire Weekend. I think I'm done with concerts this year. Unless, like, Neko Case is touring." Me today, purchasing a Neko Case ticket: "Welp."
Really sad that “it’s being a bitch” isn’t a valid reason to bring my laptop to IT.
My vacation doesn’t start for two days, but unfortunately my brain has already shifted over into Fanfic Mode.
Avatar I cannot tell you how many Rock Star Lestat posts there are in the Må tag right now.
That The Rock - Chris Evans movie looks so, so, so bad, y'all.
Not me checking to see if Paris Paloma is touring just to see that she played in Boston 3 days ago.
What my yoga teacher says: "Hold thoughts lightly as they come into your mind." What my brain hears: "Cue up the chorus of 2014 Rae Sremmrud hit 'No Flex Zone'."