
Windows downloaded 11 AGAIN. Fuck's sake JUST MAKE IT AN OPTION. And NO this is not an invitation for you to suggest Linux, bsky user. I know someone out there is poised to type "just use Linux". I DO NOT WANT THAT EITHER. THANKS.
"Just use Linux it's easier" Ok are you going to help me learn how to do it and provide simple, understandable, and comprehensive advice for customizing it to my needs? "Do your own research and look up resources, if you just want everything done for you go back to Windows"
That last one is an actual QUOTE from a reddit user I encountered during my brief fling with Linux
I'm sure Linux is great if you want to make fussing with your PC a hobby, but that's not my jam, I'd just like the flexibility to use my windows PC the way I want to.
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Stay away from linux reddit. It is cancer. Everybody knows everything and they expect you to know everything too. I'm learning Linux too, and the best way I can think of is to find friends who already use it and who genuinely want to help others learn.
This would require experienced Linux users to have friends, hyuck hyuck hyuck
Mint has been easy to understand. It's based on Ubuntu, which is intended to be easy to use. Idk how I feel about Garuda, or more specifically Garuda Dragonized. Last I heard, KDE's interface had some graphical glitches, but those might be fixed already.
But I do know that I like Dragonized because... um... WOULD.
I occasionally peruse r/voidlinux and there is little to none of that there, most people who reply just want to help Same here, I've seen some antagonistic original posts, but for people who just want to learn and be rid of Microsoft and Apple forever, I've seen nothing but helpful replies
Well that's a shitty thing to say, so I won't defend it. I will say, there are loads and loads of people making really approachable Linux how-to videos and websites. It's no harder to learn than Windows, IMO. It's just that most people already know Windows, and that's a legit problem.
Another barrier to entry is, a lot of people want to learn Linux as part of learning programming in general; and then they go to class for it and everything is for Windows, and they have to run Windows INSIDE Linux, which feels like learning to bake by harvesting the wheat yourself first
I didn't know that. I just want to get off corporate software.
Hey I don't blame you. Our TWO WHOLE OPTIONS are getting worse every year. This was just my experience trying to take classes for various coding languages
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And I mean, I want everything done for me! I want an OS I don't have to think about! I just want it to be there, allow my different programs to work, and never demand my attention.
THIS. The ideal user experience is one the user never realizes they are having.
I like windows because I *can* fuss with it a bit if I want to, but I also don't *need* to fuss with it.
"I don't like the way MS is trying to make me upgrade my OS, I would prefer to stay with my current OS." "Why don't you switch to this totally different OS??"
"Why yes absolutely I can help you, let me just answer the question I wish you'd asked real quick, and then get super condescending when you point out I was totally unhelpful"
Try youtube, there are a ton of helpful tutorials there Also, I've only seen supportive people here, if your question ends up in the linux feed (like your above post,) you will get helpful replies
A Modern Linux Demo: Video Editing/Gaming/ A look at Linux Minx in June 2024. Can it really handle my day to day tasks? Mostly, yes. CAD and photo editing are still problem areas, but video editing, g...
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