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Writer, phd candidate, hot mess
Australia's most attractive man, Hugh Allen, is on masterchef tonight
Survivor, but instead of tribal councils people just start disappearing and the crew pretend those people were never there
"You can die for your country or your people or your family, but for a god you should live fully and busily, every day of a long life" is a powerful line about faith, coming from an atheist.
What is this down the back of my fireplace?
Christina Aguilera played at my high school because a radio station did a competition to see which school could get the most signatures, and we were the school with the most pupils so we won by default. I think we won a few such competitions before they changed the rules.
Lit the fire, so naturally the sun has come out
What's striking me is that turnout is extremely bad.
Kudos to this old Labour fella for telling the reform guy that his candidates are revolting fascists that no feeling human being would vote for I also like the way the reform guy took a minute to realise he was meant to protest against that
Shut up and fuck off, Jacob Rees Mogg.
The new TAB ads are gross.
Is Vermin Supreme running this year?
The way people seem to be so shocked by this feels like part of the problem to me.
Honestly still in shock that the most crooked American President in history said "I need immunity" and the GOP Supreme Court said "well, it's nowhere in the constitution, but sure, why not? Whats the worst that could happen?"
Reposted byAvatar Sophie
I block anyone who annoys me or gives me a bad vibe and my life is infinitely better than it was when I brooded on unpleasant interactions until they became Things in their own right, reflective of the world around me. Shut up. Read a book. Make a friend.
I really enjoy the word "croquembouche".
I have what looks like a freckle on my nipple so of course I am convinced I have a rare form of breast cancer
What does this even mean? Americans out here acting like the British didn't charge a king with treason, find him guilty, and cut his head off in front of a crowd.
I guess the British won after all.
Auckland! Please recommend a late night café in the CBD, preferably downhill from Aotea Sq #kikorangi
Reposted byAvatar Sophie
stumbled onto this lynda Barry comic again which always makes me a little verklempt
Netflix starts a series over when you're done with it and my lord, Bridgerton season 1 looks incredible compared to season 3. I don't know what it is exactly, but they changed it in a way that is fundamentally negative.
My dream about being dead has prompted some deep thinking today about, well, not wanting to be dead. Some of the things I want more of in my life, some things I want to cherish more. Some passwords I need to write in a book somewhere just in case.
Had a troubling dream in which I died and had to have a meeting with several members of faculty to work out how I could finish my phd from beyond the grave.
What happens if both presidential candidates die in October?
You know, if people don't watch the debate maybe tv studios will be forced to mix things up and actually treat them like real debates.
I know I had a good day yesterday but I cannot for the life of me remember what I did
We're fucking drowning in tech. Everyone's getting into niche analogue shit like carpentry and records and stationery. I want cute speakers with retro vibes and little timers and pencil cases. I don't want VR headsets or a box that opens apps for me.
The tech industry is so busy looking for the Next Big Thing and I reckon our lives are so filled with tech now that even things that are new and shiny lose appeal very quickly. The Next Big Thing will be like "techless holidays" where you have to hand your phone to the hotel clerk when you arrive