
what is the backstory of this practice of using signed marketing messages that are obviously not written by the purported sender? do politicians do this everywhere or is this a US specific quirk? does everyone know it’s fake or do some people believe it’s written by the first party? i need to know
🎶 I don’t practice Santeria… 🎶
The upside is that I know who this message is *indirectly* from. I don't know the names of anybody's marketing director, and I'm much more likely to ignore or mark as spam an email from some stranger.
I recall a podcaster claiming it's because the campaigns got a way better open rate when they do it
Generic marketing wisdom is that people are more inclined to open/read things from a person (especially a person whose name they recognize) than from an organization/business.
and the messages do have a very lazy generic marketing feel to them make a personal connection create a sense of urgency go in for the kill
like all things in marketing, it maybe works in aggregate, theoretically.
Both sides do it the exact same way which leads me to believe that it does work. If it was only the democrats doing it I’d assume it wasn’t effective lol
im not sure but i remember nancy pelosi went viral for sending out hers at one point 😭
guaranteed an A/B test showed it to be more effective at getting responses some years ago and they've stuck with it ever since
They so this in the UK as well if you make the mistake of being added to a party or candidate mailing list
it’s like every other piece of spam i get. i find it deeply irritating and alienating, especially when it’s a text
i think this has to do with the rules around how PACs and campaigns are allowed to message on behalf of specific people who are or are not running, ie the dnc can’t send you an email “from biden” but his campaign can. i think it’s probably some derivation of this
Coordinated communications - FEC rules governing coordinated communications and when a communication is considered to be coordinated and results in an in-kind contribution
i’m surprised these don’t just all get to sent to spam lol. this is probably the first year that i haven’t gotten a ton of text messages too, seems they are getting better about filtering those out.