the talented Mr. Dittmann

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the talented Mr. Dittmann

ML engineer, multi-head attender, likelihood maximizer, waveform manipulator, San Francisco inhabitor, information securer, infosponge, lover of bicycles and transit.
An under-noticed aspect of Project 2025: criminalizing porn.
TikTok - Make Your
Trump is a fascist pedo freak and that's all that matters
wait, could Biden just preemptively pardon every single doctor in the United States for any federal abortion-related crimes?
Let's get this party started.
if we had a nation functional enough that it could actually pass a constitutional amendment at this point in time, we wouldn't have a problem with the judiciary NEW: Rep Joe Morelle (D-NY) “I will introduce a constitutional amendment to reverse SCOTUS’ harmful decision and ensure that no president is above the law. This amendment will do what SCOTUS failed to do—prioritize our democracy”
I mean, there is something deeply weird about the fact that we have a public angrily demanding the president do something about the judges that basically just gave the president the power to drone strike their own homes
Honestly, if he does not lay out some specific plans that can be pursued (besides simply waiting for them to retire or die), I'm going to be pretty pissed off
*sprints into weekly Xi Guy meeting* guys ... guys .... they know now. they KNOW. they're onto us
they keep inventing new guys
if this existed many of us would've broken whatever laws stood in our way to get it to our family members. it does not.
A paywall-free reminder that not only is there no reason to think Biden is going to be taking illicit medication to surmount a theoretical weakness, no such medication exists.
Analysis | No, Biden won’t be on performance-enhancing drugs for the Experts on the subject note that there is no drug that will temporarily mask cognitive decline.
it's way past time for the 90s web revival
Craigslist rules. Has looked the same for like 30 years. Does what you need it to do. No new dumbass features to ruin it. The pinnacle of Business
this is the appropriate solution for cars blocking the bike lane
the lesson of the story of icarus is to never let a dad pull you into one of his diy projects
N: Cambridge, England E: Brisbane S: Melbourne W: Whistler, BC I have, in fact, been to many non-English-speaking places, honest
Furthest I’ve been: N: Bergen, Norway E: Tokyo S: Costa Rica W: Kauai I recommend them all!
There’s a group of kids on the corner selling lemonade. They yell “LEMONADE” at every passing vehicle, but the only people I have seen stop for a drink so far are on foot or bike. There is no shortage of free parking on the street. Maybe this is analogous to local business districts. 😉
I live in San Francisco, your pitiful attempt at AC/central heating discourse cannot wound me
San Franciscans: "these single family homes are vital to our neighborhood character" the neighborhood character, a few years later:
Orthogonal to the main conversation here, but one of my personal hobby-horses is that Actually, Redevelopment Of Old Pretty Houses Into Boring 5-over-1 Apartments Is Good because in addition to increasing the economic issues, those old houses are often as not complete and total deathtraps.
If he could feed everyone who ever voted against him into a mulcher, he would
waaaaaaaaaah, I wanna get past this cyclist so I can rush to wait at the next red light for longer, give me my dopamine squirt noooooow
Society should treat bad drivers like the entitled giant babies that they are. Waa waa I’m the third car turning left and I don’t wanna wait for a whole nother light. Gaga goo I’m just gonna go because I have no impulse control or patience.
lotta people on the left support AR-15 bans, correctly recognizing no one needs that except for spree killing, but suggest to them their SUV doesn't ever really need to go 140 on the freeway and they turn all Molon Labe
FWIW I think also a non-trivial amount also getting mad at folks who are making the world better in small steps because it reminds them that raging about it online isn't making the world better /at all/
if you can't tell whether someone is only pretending to work from their actual output, then how much have you gained by determining whether they pretended to work or not
if you have policies that incentivize employees in any way to use a mouse jiggler and you then run an audit that detects people using a mouse jiggler I think you kind of have to fire those people. you should really avoid the first two things though
Wells Fargo fired a dozen people accused of faking keyboard strokes | CNN The pandemic may have released us from the tyranny of the five-day-a-week office schedule. But the grip of America’s busy-work culture is proving harder to shake.
Always bugs me when my dad complains about cyclists slowing his journey, but never complains about other vehicles - to him, they're the "natural" road users.
This is a big part of why I’m a YIMBY
would be neat if any of these trans sanctuary cities were realistically affordable for people who make less than $100k/yr
"Both parties are the same" is both factually untrue and deliberate propaganda designed to discourage you.
kinda feel like imputing mystical unknowable properties to either computer programs OR us human meatbags is a little weird and culty. Many things are complicated, nothing is or will be understood truly fully, we can keep on learning a lot if we keep our heads on straight, seems fine.
the next Google will be the company that figures out how to sort through the avalanche of shit the new Internet will feed you and find the legitimate information within it, much like ... the previous Google
Not sure quite how to describe watching OpenAI becoming a load-bearing source of content across every platform, but it's certainly Not Good™ in a variety of ways we haven't tried before
I mean, is it so bad to think we can actually do both of these things to the appropriate audience
Nancy Pelosi is currently on TV talking about how Democrats need to shift their focus from Trump and democracy issues to kitchen-table issues, in case you needed reminding who led this party into a ditch, and how they did it
now let's go check out the movement of the 1940s German stock market
The capitalist consolidation behind Trump is producing some wild quotes.
this statement is, uh, ... 50% true, I guess?