
Ken Klippenstein is streaming with George Galloway. The Young Turks are hosting RFK Jr. One ex bernie spokesperson is streaming with candace owens and another is defending Nick Fuentes. Brianna Wu is hanging with lauren southern. Maybe now is the time to re-evaluate how the left chooses celebrities.
Maybe now is the time to stop assuming that bernie bros are broadly representative of the left.
None of these people on their own are broadly representative of the left. Doesn't mean they don't have influence over people as talking heads.
They are broadly representative of, and influential over, a segment of 20-30 something middle-class-raised white males whose economic progressivism obscured a lot of toxic behavior. They're not being led astray. They are revealing who they have always been.
I agree with that i just also think that portion of the left has been overly visible and represents the political left to people inside that bubble
👍 So I think we're largely on the same page. I just felt like "the left's choice of celebrities" wording offers some validation at a moment where the opposite is needed.
The opposite is certainly needed