
I read despairingly. One campaign tactic has to be to push the message - there are no guardrails and they are the adults in the room. Every crazy thing he says - it’s going to happen.
Really says something about how bad the week was that SCOTUS’s “surprise, bribes are legal now” decision doesn’t even get a mention.
"it is easy to see that given an orderly society and a functioning economy, democratic politics may become a low priority" I had a stray thought. Whatever Trump will bring, it seems unlikely it will be an orderly society.
For whom? If most people keep their everyday baseline, they feel it is orderly. Most people remember Brazilian dictatorship as orderly
I am not saying a dictatorship can't be orderly for most people. In fact that is how they survive. I am saying I don't think Trump specifically can generate an orderly and stable environment for most people. But I could be very wrong.
Is there any other way to write these days?
"To his credit, Joe Biden explicitly rejected the protections the Supreme Court " - I'm afraid it's not to his credit at all. Rather Dark Brandon than another Trumpistan. We should be going scorched earth but Dems insist on playing 80s politics in the 20s. And they will lose.