Stephen Nuñez

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Stephen Nuñez

Former Lead Researcher on Guaranteed Income
@jainfamilyinst, Current Senior Research Associate at MEF Associates

Sociologist, Dad, Autistic person, Bathos-Enjoyer
Opinions are my own
Conjoint analysis, people!
Yeah you are stating your preference for a proposed bundle of goods over one or more others and at the point of the general election you don't have control over the individual parts.
The right-wing theocrat is telling us not to vote, folks. Seems on the level.
dipshit stuff.
The US though I guess will do so (if it does) because people or bored or something?
I mean countries sometimes fall into dictatorship during horrible economic, political and social crises so....
This was a favorite game of mine 20 years ago. Just thinking about the loading screen for some reason.
Informally I am talking with a bunch of folks who are terrified of another Trump administration and yet their darkest fantasies still generally include rule of law.
Category error watch. People keep assuming legal proceduralism will apply in an authoritarian state.
So in the scenario where Biden steps aside in favor of Harris and the NYT loses their favorite "Biden old/tired" story, what do we think they will move on to in order to tar and feather Harris?
If I were an optimist I would say we are at the "villain confidently starts monologuing about the success of his evil plan before it is a success" phase. I got a call from my extremely normie mom scared about the SC ruling. It is possible the crowing about blood scares a lot of ordinary folks.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Where we are right now
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be"
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
A good chunk of the media is still in horserace mode. And it is hard to imagine what could shake them out of it.
Let people mourn a bit before yelling at them? Like this is actually a big deal and things really are grim. It is normal to feel awful. A bit of catharsis and then back to work.
None of this would be happening if there hadn't been real progress over the last few years and a sense that this is their last chance. They are a minority and they can't win by democratic means. The antidemocratic structures of our system gave them padding for a even that is not enough.
a thing to remember, in all of this horror, is that these are not the actions of a political party that is confident it represents the will of the people, and who is currently out of power and enslaved to a deeply flawed avatar. the struggle is not over and they have not won
Tired of looking at bad screen. Can't wait to get home and look at other bad screen.
Tell me again about the 3/3/3 court, wise media pundits.
Closing time.
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Maybe it is our media selectively quoting but was surprised that in the "World leaders express dismay" stories a few anonymous leaders suggested Newsom as an alternative. How do they even know anything about him? And are they dumb?
Reposted byAvatar Stephen Nuñez
This is essentially no movement at all, especially when considering some differential non-response by supporters of candidate that "lost" the debate.
We have our first post-debate poll.
Tired: Rule of law Wired: Rule of law
before, courts followed a doctrine that said "if there's uncertainty about whether an agency rulemaking is allowed, defer to them". Now, that's gone. It'll mean more litigation in federal court for agency rulemakings, which are a major part of the US regulatory appartus.
Reposted byAvatar Stephen Nuñez
Good news everyone, John Roberts who called the science behind determining gerrymanders "sociological gobbledygook" just gave himself the power to rule on extremely technical matters over the expertise of people who have dedicated their lives to mastering administrative tasks.
So if I were interested om a job doing policy research and/or program evaluation in Europe, where might I start looking. As a dual citizen I am already able to live/work in Europe, btw.
So great day or greatest day?
I mean we knew this was coming but wow.
Roberts, overruling Chevron with incredible and unearned hubris: "Perhaps most fundamentally, Chevron’s presumption is misguided because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do."
Prior to the debate we were in a world where a guy destroyed Roe v. Wade, did an enormous number of obviously illegal and corrupt things, said openly racist shit, literally tried to overthrow the government, got convicted of multiple felonies and....he is the republican candidate.
Really is quite a thing that the creation of a fledgling multiracial democracy that began haltingly to take seriously the rights of women and minorities led to a political realignment that has brought us to the brink of collapse within 60 years.
There is a world where Biden commits to being a one-term president and an open primary happens during this election election season. Orderly transition. That is not the same world as "Biden stands aside in June 2024 after pundit panic."
Kuddos, for acknowledging that it would be Harris and not mystery savior candidate, Johnny Unbeatable. However, this wouldn't be a costless switch. You have to add in the chaos this transition would unleash at this juncture and I don't know that would leave us in a better place at the end.
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there is no world in which biden drops out and the nominee isn’t kamala harris. and i think it is very interesting that the loudest calls for biden to drop out do not acknowledge this fact.