
Add "journalism school" to the things and people that for years I refrained from criticizing too harshly, only to have the proof of their badness drop on us all like bombs. J-schools vary, but a lot of this "impartiality" crap, as well as the horserace stuff and the gossip, etc., comes from them.
I refrained (as I had done with conservatives, with Matt Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald, with cops, with fratboys, etc.) because I always got blowback. There are of course good journalists who went to j-school (or anyway, there once were). But the worst of them were drawn to covering national politics.
But they're so much worse now. The White House beat has always attracted the hacks: they tend to be people who are mostly interested in proximity to power. But the worst White House reporters of 30 years ago are like Ida Tarbell compared to the current crop of wantwits.