Dan Shive

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Dan Shive


Okay, but what if the funny deer meme anime that premieres tomorrow is bad? What then?
"We need someone to become an ascended Super Saiyan to defeat Cell!" "Don't worry, I've got this. HEY, DAN! THOSE TWO THINGS WITH SUPERFICIAL SIMILARITIES? THEY'RE THE SAME THING!" (Soon) "Okay, Cell's dead, but now we need someone to stop Dan."
I can only assume that someone has already attempted to ascertain the pros and cons of being a ninja who is also a humanoid mutant turtle.
No one can truly know the muffin man.
You can make a broken defense build on legendary difficulty in #Skyrim, but it's not very satisfying. It feels less like "I am the ultimate tank", and more like "I am finally on everything else's level." When everything's a tank, nothing is. It's just slow.
So is horror manga / anime that disguise themselves as silly stories with neurodivergent leads a genre now?
That moment when the little GPS graphic for a delivery service gives the impression that they have a flying car.
Katarina Claes is actually big brain. She just has hyperfixations, an-ever-looming fear of fated DOOM, and friends who just are not straight with her (in several senses of the word), spoil her, and frankly could stand to be better friends. Except you, Maria. You're good. Please marry her already.
Reposted byAvatar Dan Shive
Oh good they didn't break up - www.egscomics.com/egsnp/double... I'm sure everyone was VERY concerned about that possibility.
Playing as Maple in #Skyrim is somewhat relaxing, but I have to escape the crafting / training loop and actually adventure at some point. There's a point at which it's possible to not adventure and just do crafting / training for a ridiculously long time.
My four brain cells (one of them is doing a LOT of the heavy lifting)
I sometimes worry about sharing personal mental issues due to some vague idea that I might make someone who doesn't have that issue start having it somehow. For example: "I involuntarily overthink this." "Well, I didn't overthink that, but I will now." "OH NO"
Oh good they didn't break up - www.egscomics.com/egsnp/double... I'm sure everyone was VERY concerned about that possibility.
Dear comedian I had the misfortune of seeing on TV, like, over a decade ago who made fun of men for shaving body hair: SHUT UP WITH YOUR TOXIC MASCULINITY BULLCARP IT'S PHYSICALLY UNCOMFORTABLE AND/OR UNDESIRED FOR SOME PEOPLE SO THEY DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT GET OVER IT *erhem* That is all.
So now that it's canon velociraptors have a praise kink, what does this mean for Dinobot?
The correct way to counter a velociraptor attack is to offer to be their social media manager. As is by now well-established, velociraptors overwhelmingly have a praise kink. If you can provide them an endless source of "clever girls", that is far more valuable than your delicious flesh.
Reposted byAvatar Dan Shive
Why so friendship-able? - www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-083 Jay has seen an inadequate amount of anime with the literal power of friendship being used to defeat enemies.
Why so friendship-able? - www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-083 Jay has seen an inadequate amount of anime with the literal power of friendship being used to defeat enemies.
I'll TELL you when I've had enough! "What're they drinking?" "Light novels and manga." "My god."
"This person is smart about one thing. They must be smart about everything else, too!" INCREDIBLY flawed logic based in fiction.
I am genuinely curious what the heck is going to happen with Tesla's stock. Right now, it's raising by an absurd amount relative to the company's actual performance, but how much does actual performance matter to the stock's value? At what point is a correction actually guaranteed?
Skyrim on Switch has quirks unique to it. The HD rumble makes lock-picking any lock trivial with any amount of lockpicking skill. Anniversary Edition Soul Stealer arrows generate a soul gem per hit. This is not the case in other versions, and you can get an absurd numbers of gems this way.
I lack self control with mods, so I appreciate having the option to play Skyrim on The Switch. Granted, I wish I could toggle anniversary edition on and off.
So much modern tech is everything but the convenient basic features one actually wants.
The next EGSNP is going to be Saturday due to some minor rewriting. To clarify, by "minor", I mean it's not huge changes to the story or its direction, but in how exactly the next few comics go. I wasn't satisfied with what I had planned, and am currently sorting it out.
"I Was Kicked Out of The Hero's Party For What Actually Turned Out to be Valid Reasons and Now I'm Trying To Prove Myself Worthy of Returning Through Get Good Quick Schemes" I'm half-tempted to try and write this now.
Reality, except people use VTuber-like tools to get dressed, and a single wrong click is a wardrobe malfunction. No, I don't know how that's work, I just saw a YouTube thumbnail for a clip and my brain went there. Maybe we'd all have pocket dimensions or something, I dunno. Works in anime.
Reposted byAvatar Dan Shive
"George? Sounds weak." - www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-082 Fear not, random person named George who is randomly looking at this preview text without context! It may well be the case that this George is not, in fact, weak!
"George? Sounds weak." - www.egscomics.com/comic/hope-082 Fear not, random person named George who is randomly looking at this preview text without context! It may well be the case that this George is not, in fact, weak!