
I honestly don't know what trading out Biden for Harris would do w/re to the outcome of the election, but I do know the GOP would go way overboard on the overt racism/sexism because the constraints that would have stopped that were pushed out by Trump.
Could go all kinds of ways. An obvious ploy would be to cast fascist strength as a protective force against the Dem “regime” that has come off the heels of symbolically killing the nation’s father figure, our old man Joe.
Omgggg I have absolutely been having those thoughts - that they'll keep pushing the "senile Biden" narrative until the party drops him as candidate and that then they'll quickly pivot to "Dems are coming apart at the seams, they are so lost they even dropped their GREAT candidate 3 mos b4 election"
It's a trap. We shouldn't do it. That way lies election loss, absolute ghouls coming to power, and Gilead for the rest of my life. Under His eye!
And they’re coming after *you* next
Ooo damn, they'll harp on it till they scare everyone with as much as a strand of grey hair into voting their way! I would say this is straight up Machiavelli stuff, but I'm ashamed to say I haven't read Machiavelli. This is def the SoIaF book series stuff (not to be confused w the TV show GoT)
Project 2025 is not pretty.
Honestly I think at this point the Dem leadership *and the media, esp the ones who claim to be worried abt democracy dying in darkness* needs to be not pretty back. It's okay to play politics when you're actual politicians and when the other side does so with abandon.
An hour and fifteen minutes north of New York City, near where I live, lowlife racist POS Trump supports hang a flag outside "Joe and the Ho Have to Go". It is a mass produced flag, that can probably be bought on Bezos' Amazon.
And you can bet your house that every member of the press (and especially The New York Times a/k/a MAGA Times) that demanded that Biden drop out will not fight back against the racism, sexism and misogyny that will be unleashed against Harris.
The lowlife racists who support Trump believe every Black woman is a prostitute (they refer to Harris as a "ho" short for whore). The scum at Rupert Murdoch's New York Post, choose to use a photo of her using a long black microphone near her mouth.
Subtle. Very subtle.
I find ppl who r fine with a "little racism/ misogyny" do not like a constant diet of the same on overload - so mayb that would b a good thing otoh - evn the Germans got upset & complained at the first episodes of stormtroopers beating up Jews in the streets until they got comfortable with the idea