Doug Dawson

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Doug Dawson

Nebraskan, IT professional, and recovering Star Wars / Star Trek nerd. I consume obscene amounts of Diet Mountain Dew.

Check out the Android app I made. It's free!
My 6yo and I conducted a food experiment today. Sun butter + what ingredient is best?
I love my Pixel phone's call screening feature. If someone (or something...) calls me, doesn't respond to Google's audio prompt, and hangs up, I just block the number. If you run into a Google screener in the wild and you actually want to talk to the person, you should probably say something to it.
Reposted byAvatar Doug Dawson
I'm Shawn Harris. I defended our nation and its democracy for 40 years and retired as a Brigadier General. I'm taking on that mission again: I'm now the official Democratic candidate facing MTG, and I'm going to fight like hell. Can you follow and share this to help grow our base here on Bluesky?
I bottled my most recent batch of mead. It is about 12% ABV. It was made from eucalyptus honey. The clarity is insane! It came out very dry, but the acid blend, wine tannins, and strawberry syrup gave it good flavor. My first glass has two maraschino cherries in it with a bit of syrup. Good stuff!
During COVID, I spent more time at home expanding my cooking skills. I've always wanted a cast iron skillet and I finally bought two of them. I made a simple onion and cheese frittata. It was delicious! For our family brunch, I made two sausage, bell pepper, mushroom, and cheese frittatas. So good!
Reposted byAvatar Doug Dawson
Hello, today is my Birthday! ✨And the best gift for an artist is a retweet of his artworks 🌱🍃
I bottled a batch of #mead today! Check out the clarity! It came out VERY dry. Instead of backsweetening it, I mixed it with some ginger ale. Delicious!
At my son's high school graduation, the senior student speaker just slipped in a Palestine support message and got cut off and dismissed from the stage. What a brave thing to do!
I watching a fascinating video that covers sex, gender, trans rights, women's rights, and more. It is long, but very compelling and thought-provoking. The video lists all the sources referenced like any good documentary and has a sprinkle of silly.
I Read The Most Misunderstood Philosopher in the See Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend here - Support this show on Patreon - MUSIC: 'Underwater' and 'Click Synth Soft Bell Piano' by Nina Richards BIBLIOGRAPHY: Sara Ahmed, The Cultural Politics of Emotion Lily Alexandre, Fear of Trans Bodies Lily Alexandre, The Feminist to Far-Right Pipeline Fran Amery, “Protecting Children in ‘Gender Critical’ Rhetoric and Strategy: Regulating Childhood for Cisgender Outcomes,” in Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies Mira Bellwether, F*****g Trans Women Talia Mae Bettcher, “Evil Deceivers and Make-Believers,” in Hypatia Haley Marie Brown, “The Forgotten Murders: Gendercide in the Twenty-First Century and the Destruction of the Transgender Body,” in Denial: The Final Stage of Genocide? Shelley Budgeon, “Identity as an Embodied Event,” in Body & Society Judith Butler, Excitable Speech Judith Butler, Gender Trouble Judith Butler, “Imitation and Gender Subordination” Judith Butler, Precarious Life Judith Butler, Who’s Afraid of Gender? Judith Butler, “Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory,” in Theatre Journal Andrea Long Chu, “Freedom of Sex: The Moral Case for Letting trans Kids Change Their Bodies,” in The New Yorker Caelen Conrad, “Gender Critical: Conversion Therapy” Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex Julia Dauksza et al., “Salve Maria, Or Millions Made in Poland,” in VSquare Julia Dauksza et al., “The Golden Boys of Fatima,” in VSquare Julia Dauksza et al., “The Golden Lion Roars from Cracow,” in VSquare Petula Dvorak, “LGBTQ+ Teens Won A Grant for Their School. Adults Sent the Money Back.,” in The Washington Post Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality Agnieszka Graff and Elzbieta Korolczuk, Anti-Gender Politics in the Populist Moment Mauro Cabal Grinspan et al., “Exploring TERFnesses,” in Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies Virginia Guitzel, “Notes from Brazil,” in Transgender Marxism Sally Haslanger, “Feminism in Metaphysics,” in Resisting Reality Claire C.A. House, “‘I’m Real, Not You’: Roles and Discourse of Trans Exclusionary Women’s and Feminist Movements in Anti-Gender and Right-Wing Populist Politics,” in Journal of Diversity and Gender Studies Innuendo Studios, “Endnote 5: A Case Study in Digital Radicalisation” Eleanor Janega, The Once and Future Sex Julia Kristeva, "Woman Can Never Be Defined," trans. Marilyn A. August, in New French Feminism Harry Lambert, “Rosie Duffield: “You Never Change Sex”,” in The New Statesman Stephanie Mayer and Birgit Sauer, “‘Gender Ideology’ in Austria: Coalitions Around an Empty Signifier,” in Anti-Gender Campaigns in Europe Michael Naas, “Comme si, comme ca,” in Derrida From Now On Leah Owen, “Parasitically occupying bodies: Exploring toxifying securitization in antitrans and genocidal ideologies,” in Peace Review Alison Rumfitt, Brainwyrms Julia Serano, Sexed Up Julia Serano, Whipping Girl Shaun, J.K. Rowling’s New Friends Shaun, Kelly Jay Keen and the Neo-Nazis Shaun, Palestine Laura J. Shepherd and Laura Sjoberg, “Trans-Bodies in/of War(s): Cisprivilege and Contemporary Security Strategy,” in Feminist Review C. Riley Snorton, Black on Both Sides Darin Tenev, “La Déconstruction en enfant: the Concept of Phantasm in the Work of Derrida” Monique Wittig, “One is Not Born A Woman” 00:00 - 02:31 Introduction 02:31 - 04:10 "I'm You From the Future" 04:10 - 10:15 Judith Butler and Performativity 10:15 - 10:42 "Just listen to me!" 10:42 - 20:33 Biology & Social Constructs 20:33 - 36:52 "Politics in the future gets weird!" 36:52 - 55:29 the Anti-Gender Movement 55:29 - 57:08 "The personal is political" 57:08 - 1:04:37 What can we do? 1:04:37 - 1:15:08 This is what we can do. #books #philosophy
Tornadoes coming through Nebraska and Iowa again! 🌪️
My sister-in-law is getting a light show in Minnesota. #northernlights
Today, I heard a podcaster say that Peloton basically "stapled" an iPad to an exercise bike as a business model. Zing! 🤣
One of my team members said something like, "Don't try to fix a quality problem with more process." I thought that was pretty deep and complemented him for his wisdom. He immediately fessed up that he's reading a book that had that in there. I don't care! It was still deep! Thanks for sharing!
My 6yo used a fork to break the seal on some almond milk. I was recycling some pop cans and he said, "Would you be so kind as to rinse off this fork?" He is perfectly capable of rinsing it himself, but he asked so nicely that stopped what I was doing to help him. 🤣
Nebraska and Iowa got smacked with #tornados. It feels like the storm season just started and Mother Nature went hard right out of the gate.
I just saw a Facebook Reel that had someone sexy dancing in a dinosaur costume and the ad at the bottom of the video was for self-defense classes. They tried to hook right into me feeling threatened. 🤣
I saw that SBF finally got sentenced. His lawyers argued his sentence should be shorter because he is a first-time offender and non-violent. "This is his first time! If he does it again, THEN you throw the book at him."
March 28 2024: Sam Bankman-Fried sentenced to 25 years in Sam Bankman-Fried returns to Manhattan federal court Thursday for sentencing that could land him in prison for the next half-century. Follow here for the latest live news updates.
Reposted byAvatar Doug Dawson
Before the day ends in my time zone, happy pi day! #pi #piday
My wife was making salmon tonight. She asked the room, "what temperature for salmon?" To my horror, my daughter replied, "165° F." I overacted slightly. 😅
I took a day off to have a three day weekend to do some spring cleaning. My 6yo and 4yo both came down with some kind of stomach bug, one after the other. I'm so tired from watching over the 4yo last night. Poor kids!
I was looking for my next audiobook and stumbled upon "The Neil Gaiman Reader". Samples of some of his novels and a pile of short stories. Looking forward to visiting your worlds,
On a whim, I read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" tonight to the kids. The intro to the story says, "Then it was translated into German, French, and many other languages. It was even made into “Braille”; which is the raised printing that blind children read with their fingers." 🤔
This time of year: It is frigid in the morning. Then, the sun rises into a clear sky and it feels warm. It is a beautiful day. Then, the shadows lengthen and the shade is much colder than the sunlit places. I end up with a chill and resort to bundling up again. I'm ready for it to be warm!
Reposted byAvatar Doug Dawson
I thought this welcome sign was kind of funny. "Welcome! We're watching you... And recording everything you do..."
I'm at a public school for a sporting event. They have public Wi-Fi, which is nice because this building is made of lead. Since it is public, I turned on my VPN. I got kicked off and blocked for that. WTF?