
About a year ago some folks crucified me for saying Biden should've kept his 2020 pledge to be a "bridge" President. I was ageist, a closet Trump supporter, blah blah blah. Judging from the comments I'm seeing about the debate, seems a bit of redemption may be afoot.
This is so so bad. This is a mercy rule game at this point. We're all so so screwed.
I can't watch people sing the national anthem because my stomach ties in knots, so anxious I'll witness embarrassment. So, no way I was gonna watch tonight. My feed is looking pretty horrifying though.
I stopped watching. Texted my bf...she had to turn it off because it stressed her out to watch. It is a rough start.
Avatar we've been on the same page since the Post days about the DOJ and TFG. We're cynical bastards perhaps, but so far our predictions have proven true time and again. Something tells me tonight ushers in a whole new level of cynicism.
Is it possible the debate might act as the wake-up call complacent Americans needs to get involved in saving this country? I wanna believe that.
God, I hope so. Feels like we've been sleepwalking for years.
Me, too! I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Toes, eyes, and legs, too.
You hit the nail on the head Darren. I'll fully own that. I'm just gobsmacked at how bad this thing went. I'm not trying to be negative but cynical, yes until I see otherwise. I don't wanna be right, I'd rather be wrong and stress free but this is a mess.
well it’s not too late for Newsom or someone else at the Convention A young articulate charmer can get the votes in November