Darren Mart

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Darren Mart


INFJ. Curmudgeon. Software dev. Democrat. Love my wife, stepkiddos, dogs, the ocean, point-and-click adventure games, the show Lost, and pineapple on pizza. #ExPostie
I've posted too much today but had to share that I just saw this monstrosity for the first time in the wild. It's even more ridiculous than I imagined!
Sitting in a Red Robin and "Electric Avenue" is playing. PTSD. I worked at Montgomery Ward in the 90s; by the time I quit I never, ever wanted to hear this song again.
Turns out there was quite a disconnect between the French media and the citizens. Let's hope the US left shows up in November. 🤞
I was dreading taking Penny to the vet today, she's quite reactive and tends to jump up on people (in an overly playful way). She was amazing. No barks, no jumps, no whining. Played and cuddled with the vet. She's come such a long way. ❤️
Yes, I post too much about these two but they bring me so much joy. And yes, I'm aware I need to mow the lawn.
My autie stepson has a new obsession: screenwriting. While the scripts are mostly a random stream of consciousness, I'm thrilled that he's doing something creative. The problem: he keeps asking when I'll mail the scripts to Sony Pictures. I've said it before, will say it again: parenting is hard.
This goofball would chase water from the hose all day if I let him. Murphy's had one helluva Fourth.
I'll admit I'm a little jealous of all these people on my feed who are voting with vigor today. November can't get here fast enough.
Finally — FINALLY! — a sequel is worthy of its predecessor. Inside Out 2 was a real treat, whole family loved it. Extremely rare to say that about a movie, someone almost always suffers through it.
Trainer took Penny on a hike and sent these pics. My day has been made.🌻
I am stressed the hell out. Are we even going to make it to November? If you could set my mind at ease by EOD that would be great.
To "big accounts" lecturing me about nihilism/defeatism: respectfully, I don't need your permission to feel what I feel. For literally *years* I was called a "defeatist" by Hopium peddlers. Look where we are. I'm not giving up, but today I will mourn — with or without your blessing.
Happy to report Daphne will be fine, has an infected abscess on her tail and she'll be right as rain in no time. Thanks for the well-wishes, that was very kind! 🙌
I can't handle another speech of platitudes, or anything that doesn't include tangible, substantive plans. Words mean nothing to the other side. That side didn't wait for November to throw punches and neither should we. We are in a legit muthafuggin Code Red; Biden needs to meet the moment.
Truly appreciate those who are trying to cleanse the timeline but a gallery of puppies, otters, and donkeys couldn't cleanse this shit. Gonna go make a sandwich and, time permitting, see if I can do something about this existential dread.
"with fear for our democracy" These aren't the words of a random pundit, they're the words of a Supreme Court justice. The more it sinks in the more terrifying it becomes. I'm legit unsure whether voting will be enough; there's no reason to believe the electoral system couldn't be next to fall.
It'd be swell if President Biden authorized the swift destruction of Mar-a-Lago today. As an official act, I mean.
Posting more pics of Daphne than usual because I'm a bit concerned. She's suddenly very cuddly, gets sick a lot, and there's a weird lump on her tail. Vet appt on Tuesday; my gut tells me something is wrong. 😥
I'm enjoying a gigantic Udemy course but this particular section is a slog. But nope, I can't/won't skip it, for my OCD dictates that I must check every. single. box. in. order. 😖
"Enjoy your Caturday. Or don't. I don't care." — Daphne
Everyone keeps talking about The Bear so I watched the first two episodes tonight. Hmmm. Is this one of those shows that doesn't fully grab you until the 4th or 5th ep?
Wouldn't surprise me if this wanker tried to flee the country. Not saying it'll happen, just wouldn't surprise me. And yes, I said "wanker" with a British accent just for fun.
And just like that, Cristopher Sanchez proves he's no fluke with a 3-hit complete game shutout. Looks like the Phillies have a legit new star on the mound. ⚾
Smart move on Biden's part, leaning into humility and self-deprecating humor while strongly reaffirming his principles. This plus Bannon's impending fate almost makes today feel like a bounce-back kind of day... and that's despite SCOTUS' ongoing destruction tour.
About a year ago some folks crucified me for saying Biden should've kept his 2020 pledge to be a "bridge" President. I was ageist, a closet Trump supporter, blah blah blah. Judging from the comments I'm seeing about the debate, seems a bit of redemption may be afoot.
I care deeply — maybe too deeply — about the health and future of this country, but no, I won't be able to bring myself to watch the "debate". I suspect it'll devolve into a soundbite-generating circus with little/no substance; I'll trust Meidas and others to bring me up to speed.
I'm surprised Penny ever comes inside, clearly she's happiest in the woods. Pics from today's outing.
Just typed to a colleague, "Go ahead and schedule it whilst it's fresh in your mind." I don't know why I typed "whilst", I never actually say it.