
My autie stepson has a new obsession: screenwriting. While the scripts are mostly a random stream of consciousness, I'm thrilled that he's doing something creative. The problem: he keeps asking when I'll mail the scripts to Sony Pictures. I've said it before, will say it again: parenting is hard.
This is a really good and understandable book explaining the hero myth which is essential to screenplay structure.
I'm not really sure, at some point he got it in his head that Sony was the way forward. We've even offered to take him to a smaller studio (which offers tours) in Seattle, but he didn't seem all that interested. Sony or bust, I guess.
Well, they did make some good Spider-Man movies 😆.
Go ahead and mail it. If he gets a form letter back, so what. So do thousands of aspiring writers. You can honestly tell him that it’s a tough business to succeed in, and very competitive.
I thought about it but judging from their FAQ they wouldn't even bother with a form-letter rejection.