
People keep saying that blue sky doesn’t have an algorithm but clearly the “discover” tab is that
The discover tab has a very powerful algo and can also be tailored with "show me less/more of this" ( was writing about this a couple of days ago)
❣️rephrasing then: there is a single non-default feed that has an algorithm Better than the alternatives without any choice
yeah Discover seems to be ”the algo” here but the nice thing is bsky allows alternative algos (=Feeds) and promotes them in the interface
And you can even remove the Discover feed if you want.
I feel like people say this cause Discover doesn't feel as clever as IG or TikTok's one, and the one feed we had that could compete with those was SkyGaze For You… Which got extinguished by Discover!
its the same feed. For You was adopted by the Bsky devs and turned into the new version of Discover.
Then why was For You more accurate to what I like, with lots of art posts in anime style, than Discover, which gives me tons of haha-relatable text posts and politics-posting with like, close to no anime art posts? 😭 (/genuine)
Like when the adoption happened I saw a lot of people like "why is this feed suddenly a lot less accurate to what I like" It doesn't have the same "juice" as the For You feed had pre-adoption.
To say it in a less rambly way, I and a handful of other users felt like Discover replaced For You instead of For You replacing discover
I dunno both were pretty terrible for me when they were separate. The new feedback buttons have made the feed better imo. I usually go to a specifc feed when I want something specific. (Like the Linux feed where I see Linux stuff)
I argued when one person told me this but then they were like "oh you must use the discover tab"
people say all sorts of shit I don't listen to. Dumbasses, idiots, morons, uncurious people.
It didn't. It does now. They recently realized it needs one to compete. It's not realistic for everyone to create their own. I just hope that as a default it's not too harmful to users.
Of course it has an algorithm, it's just better than the legacy media like X and Threads. It is basically a healthier algorithm and not so Politically biased