Citrus Ghost

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Citrus Ghost

He/Him Cis Straight ☭🌱
SpoooOoOoOoky gHooooOOOoooOoost has prooooOoooOoNooOounsss
Ironically, blue Maga looks at the "Today we're all Maga" and says "no I'm not" while wishing Trump a swift recovery
I'm low key excited I finally have a good reason for a Golem
I have two foil cards from Steam for the Freedom Planet series and they're both Mayor Zao, 1 from each game
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From "If we don't stop him he'll destroy our democracy and become Hitler 2.0" to "Hey, don't shoot Hitler 2.0, it's wrong."
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Scott Jennings on CNN right now saying this is on Dems for saying Trump will end democracy on the US. And Bash and Blitzer are like, yes, we have to tamp down the rhetoric on both sides. Absolute marks. Jesus Christ.
So I'm hearing the assassin was republican
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Richard Simmons and Dr. Ruth were unapologetically themselves despite endless scrutiny. They both brought joy, knowledge, and light to countless folks. It’s heartbreaking to lose them both today while the cockroach felon lives on.
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Latest comic: A second Revolution?
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There are so many ways to do things in a better way Just because we don't agree on which one to unite behind does not mean the red and blue conservatives are right about anything
Does anyone else consistently imagine the political alignment left/right backwards? Right Center Left? I think I do because conservatives want to go back in time and a timeline progresses to the right so I imagine the left on that side
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I have never once asked a liberal to vote for my sake, because I know that they would never act to protect me. Yet every four years, they proclaim that we need to continually sacrifice ourselves and our communities to preserve them and their comfort. People have had enough of this.
I'm miserable today College I was trying to return to closing up 100k in student debt The degree I have is never good enough for a job And I haven't heard from my lawyer regarding the car accident a second time (we spoke end of May)
Anyone who doesn't think democrats won't implement stuff out of Project 2025 needs to wake up
Fuck out of here MSNBC
2 years ago I moved home to finish my Bachelor's degree. But I couldn't find funding. I almost had enough to start. But I had a car accident and only got back as missed pay what I lost in bills. Oh and the school I was trying to return to is closing next month due to the CEO spending all the money
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I love when centrists try to do the “ackshually, it’s the left that throws everyone else under the bus” thing. So we don’t matter and have no relevance, but we have the power to destroy anyone we want? Sure seems like the enemy is simultaneously both pathetically weak and overwhelmingly strong.
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Conveniently done when it will die in the House. Why wasn't this introduced a few years ago when Dems had a majority and Dobbs was leaked? Why did it take a ProPublica investigation to reveal the corruption? Why was all of that happening under their noses?
AOC files articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel The New York congresswoman said that the justices' refusal to recuse from certain prominent cases “constitutes a grave threat to American rule of law.”
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“You need to speak up if you’re having trouble” My good fuckwad, I was raised undxed autistic, so no matter how excruciatingly bad things were, I was told I was being drama/lying for attention. I no longer have any idea how much discomfort I am in, up until and including when I’m in full meltodown
This cat is better than democrats It knows how to make someone move left
I’m at the vet with our tortoise (just a wellness check up - he’s good! 🐢) and I’m getting reports that my boyfriend is having trouble with a coworker.
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Labeled by Bluesky Moderation Service
Don't #VoteBlue Vote Green if you want to go to the next biggest Or vote Claudia Karina or Cornell West
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France's leftist coalition trounced the far right and the Dems takeaway from that should be that they need to actually BUILD a coalition with the folks to the left of them instead of constantly telling the actual left that "their hopes are too far out, this isn't the time"
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The lesson i hope democrats take from what just happened in france is that socialists will consistently defeat fascists if liberals can shut the fuck up for five seconds
Explained the Project Liberal is a Libritarian smear campaign and got blocked by this Merritt guy. Managed to take a screenshot because the back button had it cached