
I hate liberals because they know the climate is collapsing and if you *say* that the climate is collapsing, they call you a “doomer,” western people and especially Americans are too emotionally immature to discuss serious issues without crying. “You’re so negative, boo hoo,” we are all going to die
"the boat is on fire and has a leak and it's sinking" "Don't be so negative all the time..."
have you considered that constant pessimism may be bad for the goal of change
Hey arrogant fuckwad, I think resisting change bc it's harshing the vibe is probably worse
People like to go "socialism or barbarism" and then get depressed when socialism doesn't win even though barbarism doesn't neither
The social, economic, and environmental barbarity required to maintain your enclaves of privilege is growing by the day. It used to be largely confined to the exploitation of the 3rd world. It’s coming home. Mass incarceration, mass homelessness, reification of the police state, endless drilling
Most of our (the USA) raw materials come from the homeland, and we're getting close to making solid-state batteries and no longer needing the cobalt. The pages of history are full of people who predicted the end of capitalism, and they've all been wrong
And history also has pages full of people who predicted the end of Feudalism. They were correct. You're absolutely high on your own supply if you think that a system can continue on in perpetuity forever. "End of History" was completely wrong and debunked by reality rather easily.
thats why i love to look at pictures of cats. as the precise opposite of pessimism, this makes me the same as lenin and MLK combined
I think the root of this is that everyone knows something's wrong but they don't have anything to do about it. Voting is just one action and does fuck all especially per person. What we really need is for climate urgency to be paired with specific calls to action with systemic effect
i mean yeah, but A Person cant do shit, and posts cannot organize us looking on here for concrete, provably effective actions to take is about as good as looking at a fuckin taco bell menu... comes down to "join an org" almost 100% of the time which feels like a copout but idk its real imho
I'm working on building a social circle because I need someone to organize with
i mean, if talking about attempts to fix an existing problem are derided as "pessimism" then i don't understand how solutions are ever intended to be found.
I feel you there. The problem is that climate change is a complex systemic issue and Americans are brainwashed to avoid any systemic thinking, so big overwhelming problems like this end up getting tuned out because we have no levers to pull.
Our political system is designed to shut down Collective action then by means of delegitimizing any other way but voting to deal with problems but then problem is bipartisan so then you're just screwed
Pessimism is to take the worst possible outcome of any given situation. Being realistic about outcomes is not pessimistic when all potential outcomes are bad.
Have you ever heard of toxic optimism?
I was called a "doomer" for pointing out that Covid-19 mutates rapidly, so people need to get updated boosters every 6 months or so. I concluded that the term basically means "anyone discussing something which may inconvenience me"
They'll throw a tantrum if you say their favourite politicians need to do better
Their hopeful mindset betrays a diff kind of pessimism: they believe that acknowledging the extent of the problem and the real fact that there's no way to save thousands of already lost species and people itself leads to lack of action because THEY can't conceive of fighting through an apocalypse
Meanwhile indigenous ppl and other minorities are here surviving and fighting through multiple, irrevocable ends of life as we know it.
I understand what you’re trying to say but this is not all that accurate.
I guess I would be a doomer if I, in liberal fashion, was a silly little bitch
I hate that people confuse terms, groups, and their reactions while having their bills paid by same people they are criticizing.
You idiots believe an American Fairy-tale!
And I am certain you have the necessary thousands of peer reviewed research paper with petabytes of data on hand for us to review? No? Then you are the one peddling a fairy tale. Here is a Playlist which includes links to a lot of research on climate science:
Climate change explained, and the myths There is a lot of inaccurate nonsense about climate science written in blogs and the media, whether exaggerating the effects of climate change or seeking to ...