
good morning my community, A word of advice. You may be struggling with your feelings of shock with the Neil Gaiman allegations. Now is the time to process that conflict silently, in your own heart—not on the timeline where other survivors have to watch you struggle to believe. Okay.
I believe it. I feel grief and anger for the victims. And, once again, I'm angry that so many things that made my life a little better are now poisoned. Damn him.
No I believe 100%, but good take! if you are struggling grab a journal, call a therapist, whisper into a sea shell
THANK you. Famous animator survivor here (who didn't know there were others 'til he got MeTooed yrs ago). Soon as I post this, I'm NOPEing from checking social media for the next... a while. also, a special thank you to the folks who didn't immediately start debating in the comments to this post
Also, don't mention it IRL to anyone you don't want to feel disappointed by today
Never shocked, always disappointed. Been alive long enough to know in my bones those young women are telling the truth.
I wouldn’t say I saw it coming but I stopped heroising men who’s art I liked a long time ago. Bless them for having the courage to name him because god knows too many of us can’t name them
The scrutiny and doubt cast upon your worst moment at the hands of someone more popular and respected than you is an almost if not universal experience of women and femme presenting people and i don’t know a single one in my immediate intimate community without a similar story myself included
Yeah I might just sleep for a week trying to deal with it, it’s enough to tip me over into a depression
Not surprised in the slightest
I know what happened, thanks to tumblr. I'm disappointed and tired really...