
still can not get over how trumps gibberish (since before he was even president!) always becomes just another 'nevertheless'
if u did not fuckin cringe and immediately check that your voter registration was up to date after "Well, someone is doing the raping" then i just do not know
Trump: It’s terrible what’s happening with the cheese, so many people drowning. And then with the lasers, they don’t talk about it Media: He speaks the language of his base Biden: I met with Premier Zamora of Andorra… Prime Minister, sorry Media: Another gaffe, is Biden too old to be president?
Biden: Are you fucking serious? NYT editorial: Do The American People Really Want A Sweary President?
"I just do not know" has been my mantra since 2016
I don't understand how people are just normalizing trump and everything he says and does! This is making my brain explode out my ears darth
It feels like we are just screaming into the void here darth
Go do text organizing with GOTV efforts in swing states. Black Voters Matter etc. Documented impacts on voter registration and participation. You'll feel less bleak and accomplish some part of something important.
The double standard is nauseating; the coverage of any mistake Biden makes is plastered everywhere but the absolute bat shit ramblings of that orange shitstain are “that kooky ex president says the darnedest things, no need to report on it”.