Andrew Sterian

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Andrew Sterian

Engineer, Apple Inc. NorCal4Ever. Meatless in Seattle (and everywhere else). Straight-ticket Democrat until GOP cleans house. Recovering Canadian.
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
Mashpee, MA Especially if you have kids in the car
What are the funniest location names near you? This question brought to you by Cape Disappointment and Deception Bay in Washington.
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Artist Hitomi Terasawa drew a meticulous cross-sectioned rendering of Hong Kong's infamous Kowloon Walled City before it was razed in 1994. Now we have rare scans revealing the inner workings of the labyrinth-like metropolis.
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Things are pretty fucked up and the future is uncertain — probably the worst in my lifetime (perhaps excepting 1969 before I can remember). When it’s like that, I like to think about my grandparents and what they faced and got through with the Great Depression and WWII. /1
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Sterian
This is one of the most dystopian signs I've ever seen. Republicans are quickly turning this country into an unrecognizable freakshow.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Sterian
You do not need to read the entirety of today's 119-page opinion in Trump v. US. All you need to read is this paragraph from Justice Sotomayor in dissent:
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Sterian
There are two elements to the immunity decision that are particularly extreme in a way that many will miss: (1) motive is irrelevant and (2) immune acts are not just excluded from prosecution, they’re excluded from evidence. /1
This, right here, is the #1 concern with Biden. You do not get to "flag" at night as POTUS. Any nervous Trump voter who *might* consider voting for Biden now is faced with a sundowning president.
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Who on Biden's staff thought it was a really strong point to send out a chart showing that almost any Democrat does as well against Trump as Biden does. This is their case for staying in? I mean, WTF?
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Sterian
1/ My thoughts on the Presidential Race after Thursday night's debate. A. Joe Biden had a very bad night. He appeared frail and disoriented, particularly at the start. He was poorly served by a format that provided for no "fact checking" by the moderators, because he was not up to the job of . .
I would like to know: a) who were the people responsible for advising Biden to do the debate, and prepare him for the debate, and b) why do they still have jobs in the administration?
The markets loving today's Chevron SCOTUS decision
Honestly, Biden should learn from RBG's mistake, call up Gavin Newsom and say "Hey Gav...we need to talk..."
This is 🔥
post an image that people will hear when they see it
post an image that people will hear when they see it
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Excited to introduce a project I've been working on for a long time: a thorough comparison of Biden and Trump on the issues. "The stakes, not the odds," to borrow from Jay Rosen. The initial version has 6 topics, but I'll be adding more, as well as updating with new statements/policies. Gift link:
Where Joe Biden and Donald Trump Stand on the Here’s what President Biden and former President Donald J. Trump have done and want to do on abortion, democracy, the economy, immigration, Israel and Gaza, and Social Security and Medicare.
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I guess I’ve become sort of a science-hype debunker so as far as this goes, let me just say: it’s real. Really really real. You could soon get a shot every six months that would basically eliminate your chance of getting HIV. Taken a step further: we have the tools to eliminate HIV in our lifetime.
Gilead’s twice-yearly shot to prevent HIV succeeds in late-stage Gilead's experimental twice-yearly medicine to prevent HIV was 100% effective in a late-stage trial, the company said Thursday.
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Not covered much even in US or European media, but Canada is going through a multiyear crisis on foreign interference that has implications for the future of democracy there and abroad Recent parliamentary report on it is sober and sobering:
Special Report on Foreign Interference in Canada's Democratic Processes and
I feel like the financial concept of "passive income" is best explained by Chris Lowe's role in the Pet Shop Boys video "West End Girls"
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Sterian
This little fella just heard that Elon Musk may not receive the bonus from Tesla that he was hoping for.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Sterian
When Americans wonder how “it” could happen in other “advanced” countries, this is why and how
The capitalist consolidation behind Trump is producing some wild quotes.
Reposted byAvatar Andrew Sterian
“Everyone say cheese!” “Cheese!” “Cheese!” “Cheese!” “Cheese!” “Fuck you, Theresa.”
The arc of the moral universe is long, making its radius difficult to measure without many significant digits.
"Today" is a measure of "years old" as much as "light year" is a measure of time.
-128, 127, 255, -32768, 32767, 65535
What are some numbers in your field that anyone else in it would identify without even thinking about it, but folk outside may have no idea. Just the numbers, no explanations. Yet. 105 148 210 297 420 594 841 1189