
King: gosh joanne sure has been trending a while on twitter King: like, for almost a week straight Poe: oo Poe: er Poe: that's King: yeah that's not good Poe: that's very bad Poe: i don't think it's healthy Poe: it does things to you
Vladimir Nabokov: ok i got a story Nabokov: but i'm only gonna tell it if you all promise not to be mad at me Poe: we promise Nabokov: you promise? Nabokov: you all have to say it Poe: we all promise King: sure we promise Barker: promise Nabokov: swear it
Vladimir Nabokov: ok this is the story of the guy who raised his own child bride Piers Anthony: why would you say something so controversial and yet so brave
Oh, did you not know? Yeah, looking back its very obvious, but easy to overlook as a kid. Which is what makes it so dangerous.
Themes of Pedophilia in the Works of Piers Anthony | LitReactor
There was an amazing This American Life episode where a 15-year-old boy runs away to live with him (he is arrives and is advised to go home). He doesn’t do anything untoward, but since I heard about this I can’t enjoy the episode the way I used to!
470: Show Me the Way - This American