Kurt Wheeler

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Kurt Wheeler


Software engineer working for OneStudyTeam to revolutionize clinical trial technology. Opinions my own.
Christians hate woke because it's largely about treating people how they want to be treated, which is just like way better than The Golden Rule. See, Christians love The Golden Rule and love holding it up as an example of how Christianity makes them more moral than everyone else
> This bold and responsible approach is fundamental to delivering on our mission and making AI more helpful for everyone,” Google CEO Sundar Pichai told a group of reporters. Why is their mission making AI more helpful instead of making search better?
it’s my job to report and publish accurate information and get it to New Yorkers who need it, so I’m super curious: how are y’all gonna deal with AI stuff in Google searches? how will it change your search behavior, if at all?
Google unleashes AI in search, raising hopes for better results and fears about less web trafficapnews.com Google has rolled out a retooled search engine that will frequently favor responses crafted by artificial intelligence over website links.
Refilling the olive oil without a funnel is my meditation
I can't wait for the day an AWS dev actually uses one of their UIs and realizes they need some work. It's quite clear no one there is dog fooding
Macs have bad UX #145: Watching a video in full screen blacks out all other screens. There's a way to disable this but it requires making each monitor have its own Space, which breaks things if you're already using Spaces.
I've had to use a Mac for work for over two years now. I think that's long enough that I can finally call bullshit on everyone who ever told me Apple products are more intuitive. It's nice hardware but apparently I don't "think differently" the way they intended
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How is Taylor going to make it to the Super Bowl on time? Because she's swift
Reposted byAvatar Kurt Wheeler
"Enshittification" is the 2023 American Dialect Society word of the year. Read the full press release. americandialect.org/2023-word-of...
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