Kurt Wheeler

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Kurt Wheeler


Software engineer working for OneStudyTeam to revolutionize clinical trial technology. Opinions my own.
Pfft you call that cancelable? I have the same take about "intergenerational sex"
How come the text says 31% more for housing but the graph shows almost 120%?
Have you ever met a meth head? Their issue isn't purity, their issue is that their drug of choice fucks their brain up
Or maybe some people just are choosy about which substances to let themselves be addicted to. It also probably helps that consuming coffee makes it easier to earn the money required to buy more. Many drugs have the opposite effect
The reason "drug addicts" has negative connotations is because addictions to certain drugs often leads those addicts to anti-social or self destructive behavior: stealing, lying, and accidental ODs. Coffee drinkers rarely lie or steal to get their fix and never OD on coffee, so that's three ways
Okay so we're addicts. What now?
When interest rates were low, home prices soared because everyone suddenly could take out huge mortgages for them and were bidding over asking price without seeing the house. Is there any chance that it's not interest rates but actually housing supply that's driving prices ever upwards?
Christians hate woke because it's largely about treating people how they want to be treated, which is just like way better than The Golden Rule. See, Christians love The Golden Rule and love holding it up as an example of how Christianity makes them more moral than everyone else
Suddenly their rudimentary moral guidelines aren't even good enough any more and rather than admit it's time to update them they'll just rage against any effort to improve the moral baseline in America as a "mind virus"
When you load external ads they load at the speed of the servers of the advertisers. When you load your own images they load at the speed of your servers. Sometimes one of these is faster than the other.
Those are roasted long hots, assuming this is from Philly which it looks like it is and a recent post from OP would indicate it is
Sir is that not a Morrowind screenshot?
I think several action movies have explored this very idea
They didn't just add an AI summary. They ruined their search results by adding generative AI into the algorithm
> This bold and responsible approach is fundamental to delivering on our mission and making AI more helpful for everyone,” Google CEO Sundar Pichai told a group of reporters. Why is their mission making AI more helpful instead of making search better?
it’s my job to report and publish accurate information and get it to New Yorkers who need it, so I’m super curious: how are y’all gonna deal with AI stuff in Google searches? how will it change your search behavior, if at all?
Google unleashes AI in search, raising hopes for better results and fears about less web trafficapnews.com Google has rolled out a retooled search engine that will frequently favor responses crafted by artificial intelligence over website links.
Refilling the olive oil without a funnel is my meditation
She inspired me to spend my Sunday building a treasure themed commander deck after I pulled her in a draft on Saturday
No look at that screenshot, it doesn't have any mention of a conversation between an officer and dispatch.
Couldn't those four people who were brought to hospitals be the four officers who were reported to be injured? The original screenshot had a fact check from the police channel via Broadcastify and that is not in your screenshot.
Woah did they take out the copaganda fact check? I just read the article and couldn't find that paragraph
Okay but this implies that a two story cottage could be purchased for 12,000 eggs. Oh to be a chicken farmer in those days
I saw one that said "I bought this before Elon went crazy".
I get what you're saying but an Ancient Red Dragon's breath is 26d6 in 5e
I can't wait for the day an AWS dev actually uses one of their UIs and realizes they need some work. It's quite clear no one there is dog fooding
Maybe one of their UX principles is that if an area of the screen isn't used for too long it's a waste of space? Heaven forbid I am able to move an S3 file without clicking in every corner of my screen.
Well there was the whole part where you implied he doesn't have a rich inner life and that I'm not normal
If that was true neither of us would be in this thread. There's plenty of idiots posting hot takes for attention. If you think reacting this strongly to a troll post is what normal people do I'm not sure you've got the best gauge of normal.