
there's nothing wrong with having feelings of despair and futility, but i think it's most responsible to avoid airing all that out in public to the greatest extent possible right now. we need to cultivate a vengeance-driven, enraged espirit de corps right now, because we need people to fight
We also need Dems to decisively take Congress and to *stop working with the GOP*. Stop cooperating with them. They need to be viewed as a rogue party. Don't "reach across the aisle" or worry about "decorum." Do what needs to be done and piss in their faces
We need Congress to subpoena SCOTUS justices about their corruption and hold them in contempt of Congress and jail them if they refuse to show. We need to begin impeachment processes for Thomas and Alito *at the very least*, and Roberts for allowing the corruption. AND the court needs to be expanded
The biggest thing is that Dems must stop working with and pandering to the GOP. They are a fascist party that is acting as a shadow government for Trump, and being willing to work with them in any capacity shows that Dems do not actually care about the people of this country