
there's nothing wrong with having feelings of despair and futility, but i think it's most responsible to avoid airing all that out in public to the greatest extent possible right now. we need to cultivate a vengeance-driven, enraged espirit de corps right now, because we need people to fight
I don't feel desperate, I feel betrayed. Pretty sure fellow vets feel the same, especially those of us with "fight for democracy" as the reason we were sent to war to begin with. Knowing my friends and fellow troops died for this anti-American BS pisses me off.
Oh, and all the thousands of civilians we bombed and for what? Too many innocent people are paying the price for a few privileged individuals to live in comfort. Make them uncomfortable, people.
I have never been so sickened by a branch of my government as I am today. & I lived through Watergate & the last two years of a Republican majority in the House.
From today on our country (the Netherlands) has a fascist government. 😫 Completely legal (though there are doubts about some of the members). I fear the worst for the rest of Europe and the USA.
It's gonna be some dark, hard years.
With all due respect, that's BS. He did the most preposterous crimes, highly illegal sorts of things. Problem was, there was nobody capable or willing to sue the bastard.
With all due respect it's absolutely not bs. Hitler constantly changed articles of law to suit the Nazis.
That i did not dispute. Question is, which article in particular granted him total immunity?
I practice capital criminal defense. A mentor atty gave me a piece of advice during a death warrant that I’ve used for 20 years. After the execution, take 24 hours to wallow in the depths of your sorrow and then show back up to work.
“Vengeance-driven enraged esprit de corps”
We also need Dems to decisively take Congress and to *stop working with the GOP*. Stop cooperating with them. They need to be viewed as a rogue party. Don't "reach across the aisle" or worry about "decorum." Do what needs to be done and piss in their faces
We need Congress to subpoena SCOTUS justices about their corruption and hold them in contempt of Congress and jail them if they refuse to show. We need to begin impeachment processes for Thomas and Alito *at the very least*, and Roberts for allowing the corruption. AND the court needs to be expanded
The biggest thing is that Dems must stop working with and pandering to the GOP. They are a fascist party that is acting as a shadow government for Trump, and being willing to work with them in any capacity shows that Dems do not actually care about the people of this country
i mean that is what worked for the republicans. White supremacy and grievance fueling decades long fights. Because that was the point. Turning back desegregation. That is what abortion started at. That is what "school choice" is about. The point has always been white supremacy. And it works.
They have been disciplined on that regard. Yes, they have gotten "true believers" as well besides the original point, but it all meshes. They have been fueled by revanchism. They lost that culture war. They did not give up. They built and built to destroy and replace and redefine. Fuck.
Organize mass protests demanding immediate dissolution and reformation of the court? That's all I got.
Hey, I was hoping we could get more calls to in-action like this so if you can keep spitbalIing ideas to make people feel hopeless and shoot down any ideas for how to improve the world, that would be great.
Yeah, but it's a matter of when, not if when the next Floydening happens.
Oh, this is a lesson that some people are not helpful at all and really need to be ignored for the betterment of the movement
I don't know, I was hoping someone like you would have a better idea.
Someone like me? Why would I? I'm not that imaginative. I'd probably hurt people.
"demanding" or else what? they'll just call in the riot cops like always
what do you see making changes historically?
The big one is to keep Trump out of office. After that is a little things- local elections, participating in city council meetings, being a visible, vocal pain in the ass opposition to the freaks in the GOP. We're fighting a hydra. There's no one easy trick, alas, and it will not be fixed in one day
Get out and phone bank, go door to door, start an email campaign, and work to get out the vote. We won't win this by complaining; we must get people to vote instead of staying home.
I would also like to add that the answer to the follow up question of, "how do we fight?" Is that you're going to have to figure it out on your own. Nobody is going to figure that out for you.
Sure, but there also needs to be leadership. If we're waiting for individuals to figure out how to take individual actions, I don't think that works out well.
not leadership but organization. the feds figured out how to squash movements with clear hierarchy decades ago.
uh no? individually everyone is completely powerless, strength only comes from organizing together. unless youre talking about some shinzo abe type shit
More of this energy. Enough with the internal fighting. Enough with the wedge issues. Let's worry about what's happening on our shores and do everything to make sure trump stays out, we reclaim the House and keep the Senate. Worry about nothing else. We just lost our country.
Despair is a luxury we cannot afford.
Not despair or fear but righteous indignation July is Wrath Month and yes the straights are allowed to participate in this one
These decisions are nothing other than prologue to our tale of revenge
Yeah, fuck despair. It's understandable that people are struggling with despair right now - I sure am! But despair is useless. It's what they want us to be feeling. As long as we're breathing, we have the ability to make a difference. We need hope, and we need wrath.
I'm trying SO hard, but I am also SO tired.
Build community Punch Nazis Burn the system down
Fight for a democratic, multicultural, rule-of-law society, specifically. They ain't gonna get another Jan 6 out of us. They're going to get determination and a bunch of planning and preparation and work on failing systems, work that is already well underway.