
What's really disturbing about the debate fiasco is there's no way to be confident that Biden has it in him to pull off the near-flawless execution he'll need to win at this point. At a minimum, the Bidens owe us a real conversation about that. My take:
What Joe Biden Really Owes the Country Right There's no sugar-coating the debate, which was a disaster. At a minimum, he and Jill owe the country an honest conversation about whether he can still do this.
CNN let down the country with their awful debate format. The no-fact-checking ended up making Trump's endless lies sound plausible. Two things can be true: This was a total disaster from a journalistic point of view, and Biden blew a big opportunity.
Unlike many others On Here, I don't think there's a way for Biden to bow out without it leading to extreme risks of a very different kind. We need more of an acknowledgment from the replace-Biden camp that this is not a remotely easy dilemma.
Acknowledged. Now the “this can never happen” crowd needs to accept that replacing him is less perilous than keeping him.
You have to make the argument.
His approval rating is below 40 percent. He’s behind in every key swing state poll. The #1 concern about his leadership is his age. He just glaringly reinforced this concern in the single greatest opportunity he had to change the trajectory of the race. Ergo, he can’t win.
By contrast, another candidate could confront Trump’s lies, lawlessness, and authoritarianism directly and coherently. There’s only one way to do this with a bully. An organized, open process in the coming weeks would create a new media environment to change the trajectory of the race.
A convention nomination would give a replacement the audience only a debate would otherwise provide. A replacement also allows the ticket to reset a key issue that’s depressing approval: Israel and Gaza.
You’re very confident about a lot of things you can’t possibly know.
What we can’t possibly know is much less perilous right now than what we do know.
You seem more interested in discussing this with yourself, so I’ll leave you to that.