
It's been days and eight of nine links at the top of the NYT right now are about the same thing
NYT = fascist. it's that simple. they are in it for trump 100%
It now makes sense why The Times failed to properly chronicle the Holocaust in real time. Its part of their business model.
Always worth bringing up that 1 week before Germany invaded Poland, NY Times published an article about Hitler's favorite castle in the Alps, and how much Hitler loves throwing parties there. Germany was already killing Jews in the streets.
So typical. Millions being starved to death in Ukraine while the Moscow chief went to parties and buried the story. They’ve always sucked
They also refused to report the holodomor and the gave the one guilty of that a Pulitzer. It’s always been part of their biz model.
I cancelled my subscription yesterday; the horrible editorial choices were just too much
Did you have to do it on the phone? I haven't started looking for the CANCEL button but it's on my agenda for tomorrow.
I had to call and they kept offering lower and lower prices to stay subscribed and i just had to keep saying no over and over again but they finally did cancel. I’d had home delivery for over 20 years
I was afraid of that. I will persevere. Enough is enough.
I was able to cancel my subscription online.
I cancelled online no problem
And I just succeeded in canceling as well.
I'll poke around some more. That would be much better than doing it on the phone thanks!
I found the button under the subscriptions tab, if that's helpful
The most powerful person on the planet almost certainly has dementia and the entire world saw it. It’s the biggest story in the world
No he certainly doesn’t, and it’s only the biggest story in the biggest story in the world to moronic jagoffs like you.
The emperor is in fact fully clothed, that was actually a skin colored bodysuit he was sporting on national television for 90 minutes
You may not like to hear it, but he absolutely has some form of worsening cognitive impairment.
you might not like to hear it, but your armchair medical diagnosis is completely worthless, there are however numerous professional assessments of Trump's cognitive decline but you're obviously fine with that
Good lord, what a leap in logic to make. Criticism of Biden does not equal support of Trump. And why does Trump even matter here? Do you think the evidence of his decline mattered during his first term? The right have shackled themselves to him no matter what. Is it wise for Dems to do the same?
NY Times is trash and not worthy of lining a litter box.
I think the publisher is just pouty and mad that Biden wouldn't grant an interview. Sons of successful men are often scourges.
You’re not the first person to suggest this and it does seem like that could be an issue but at this point I don’t think they’d change the fascist pro-Trump slant regardless of whether Biden gives them a big interview
Yes, at this point they are too far down the path, and backing up if granted an interview would make the pouting too obvious
Biden is old. Wow. We all should do be day be so lucky. But not everyone is everything Trump is. Not many people can even get as bad as him. Yet, people are fighting to get him in? The whole body of government, every side and around should prevent him from ever walking into the White House again.🫤
I've held out for a lot of years because I thought on balance I was getting good info from the NYT. But I just can't anymore. There's a reason I don't subscribe to the WSJ or Breitbart or watch cable news (sanity). On the upside, I purchased a scrip to the Inquirer. 🤷‍♀️ #SAD!
They are *mad* mad that he ended their favorite forever war
Biden vs a rapist. The choice only seems hard for Republicans and the media.