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Razzle & Napoleon's mom forever. Now Nala's mom. I fix it in post and curse a lot.
#TeamOrca #TeamCap #DogStan
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Pro Tip: Most paper publications live and die by advertiser dollars, NOT subs. The PAID subscription numbers drive ad prices. Clicks are nice and once drove prices, but since they can be schemed, paid subs are king. Boycott their advertisers, cancel your subscription.
So, I've been spitballing this idea. What if us plebs with a platform or talking to each other started that war? NYT is not as deep pocketed as Murdoch, and I presume one goal here is to regain the clicks and dollars they got with Trump
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Take this, it’s dangerous to go alone.
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I'm tired of seeing people complain about fireworks. Fireworks are great except for the fire risks that they have. And how they negatively impact the environment. And how they scare my pets. And how they can trigger a variety of mental health issues. And how they- (1/98)
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This is so cool! Frog & amphibian have been dessimated by the disease chytridiomycosis, caused by a fungal pathogen. Researchers have realised that the fungi is heat intolerant so little brick saunas for frogs can help kill the fungi! Recovered frogs more resistant to further infxn 🧪
These frog 'saunas’ could help endangered species fight off a deadly How a hot resting spot can help frogs survive chytridiomycosis infection, and the decades-long hunt for dark matter in black holes. Hear the biggest stories from the world of science | 3 July 2024
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if tasty, why bad for me
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Phish should have named their greatest hits album Filet of Phish
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My husband is on Day 8 of COVID isolation in his office, and in an effort to find him an entertaining activity, I slipped him one of my Golden Girls coloring books and some colored pencils. He’s been enraptured for like three hours.
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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
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Completely mind melted by how amazing this embroidery by is. Zoom in on the detail
I really am a thoughtless, self-centered asshole sometimes. ☹️ Goodnight.
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A list of eight more lovely animal rhyme goodbyes... 8. See you later, alligator 7. Fare thee well, sand gazelle 6. You take care, grizzly bear 5. Now on you jog, prairie dog 4. Get in the bin, pangolin 3. Hope you rot, ocelot 2. Step on a lego, gargoyle gecko 1. Eat a dick, lone star tick
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A list of eight cute animal rhymes to say farewell... 8. In a while, crocodile 7. Toodle-oo, kangaroo 6. Ciao for now, Jersey cow 5. Why you still here, white-tailed deer 4. Just piss off, luna moth 3. Go to hell, red gazelle 2. Kiss my hole, woodland vole 1. Off you fuck, crested duck
I got my hair cut today, after a year of growing it out. I brought a reference picture of a modified old school pixie. Dude looks at the picture and goes, "A pixie." I say, "exactly." "Have a seat," he says. The reference photo:
Your Daily Buttercup Home again
When you ask for a pixie, bring a reference photo, and still get a frigging fade. 🤬
I know my dog's birthday!!! 🥲🥲🥲 September 29, 2017! God bless vet techs who take thorough notes! (For those of you who don't know, my pupper was abandoned at my friend's vet's office. Her past and age have been a mystery for the last 8 months.)
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Signs and portents people: at 9:30pm a huge rainbow emerged east of Dublin Bay across the Irish Sea, in the direction of Wales and England. 🌈☘️⚱️
I have to drop Nala Jane Buttercup off for a teeth cleaning under anesthesia in 4 hours, and after losing two dogs just two years ago, I'm really not handling it well. Please keep her in your thoughts/prayers today.
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Cool. If Trump wins, we will never have another free election again.
Happy 4th we have to beat these people and figure out the rest later. We cannot fuck this up they are telling you they are a dictatorship. nothing less.
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by Ellis Rosen at the New Yorker
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can we PLEASE take a moment to talk about how giraffes use their own butts as pillows when they sleep
I have fucking C-PTSD, so y'all are just going to have to overlook my fucking language and rage right now. But I seriously want to do grave bodily damage to that fucking c***.
I would really like to beat to death with my shovel the fuckwit asshole on my block who is firing off professional grade exploding fucking fireworks. Fuck you AND your fucking mother, you fucking c*nt.
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It’s a very obscure question but I did some research and it turns out that the president who led us out of the Depression and kicked Hitler’s ass was actually in a wheelchair? Who knew?
Kevin, I am not a historian, so IDK, but has there ever been a President in American History who used a mobility aid? And, if so, would you say this president who was so weak as to need, say, braces or a wheelchair, is considered to be one of the top President’s ever?
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Omg friends, Tula Pink's latest line of fabric is all dinosaur themed!!! (The last one was charismatic megafauna like bears) Look at these ridiculous (amazing) designs! And she uses such nice-feeling fabric, too.
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When a person can't admit they're wrong, it's a sign of weakness and insecurity. I think that goes double for a fucking newspaper. The NYT, once the 'paper of record', has been reduced to posting like a racist aunt forced to change one word in their post to avoid a Facebook ban.
Lmao they just changed the title of the piece from “Why I don’t vote” to “Why I won’t vote” rather than tell readers that the guy actually does vote