
That was Ted Cruz, and I'm the guy he said it to. I noted in that piece that Grassley, the committee chair, had promised to hold a vote if Clinton won.
do you think they'd have actually held hearings and approved her nominations? IIRC at least one sitting senator (Graham) was on record as saying they would not.
Cruz says there’s precedent for keeping ninth Supreme Court seat He appeared to suggest that the blockade on nominee Merrick Garland could last past the election.
I don't dispute the overall "Dems are wimps" critique, just being pedantic when people suggest that there was no way Clinton could have confirmed Garland to the Scalia seat.
Problem is things don’t revert to 2015 if Trump loses. He sticks around as a radicalizing force possibly with a new media platform he could use to discipline anyone straying from a hard right position. I’m not saying you’re wrong, just that counterfactuals are hard.
idk - fun hypothetical. Had Trump lost, Rs would have dropped three in a row, and the money in the party would have blamed Trump's crazy nativism and isolationism.
It’s really hard to imagine an R senate approving three judges for a Democrat in an environment of escalating radicalism, which the Clinton administration would have been. But who knows.
Do you not think that expanding the court, pursuing impeachment, etc. would be a good goal for the Dems now? It was a little hard for me to tell based on the thread.
hmmm interesting, thanks for the memory check Dave. I still don't believe them whatsoever, but I'd surely rather be fighting on those grounds as opposed to these.