We Are Standing Still

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We Are Standing Still


From the digital fountains to the analog mountains
Let the mirror express the room

Watching the most loyal Democrats resign themselves to an obvious suicide pact with Biden sure is something. Death before dishonor I guess.
Look, I'm willing to try anything at this point.
If your final remaining tactic & messaging in an election is to just hector and shame people into performing a grim chore, you’ve lost. There’s some minimum of enthusiasm needed to win even the most low enthusiasm race.
You can tell a male is Alpha by his darker printing and more rounded corners. Beta males have sharper corners, but otherwise look like Alphas. Unlimited males have white borders and lighter printing. Revised males are even more faded and feature a different selection. Summer males are rarely seen.
So like, this point is correct, but the people freaking out about Biden’s performance aren’t saying he’s a worse president than Trump would be, they’re freaking out about Biden’s near certain upcoming defeat. The man we saw on TV cannot win. It’s not fair, it’s not sensible, but it’s true.
"RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS" is, to me, a deranged and instantly disqualifying thing for a presidential candidate to say, but on the other hand joe biden looks and sounds very old
Riding passenger side in my girlfriend’s car. Our musical paradigms are really different, but I’ll say this for her taste. Current top 40 has beautiful production. The number of old rock albums with sound quality like contemporary pop is low. Automatic For the People perhaps, but not many more.
Weird dudes keep inventing/classifying all these new males like they're Pokemon types but the ironic truth is that the people who see these lists as sacrosanct prob won't ever respect anyone's gender or pronouns.
hotfix male. release candidate male. shovelware male
Do people not realize that you can keep enjoying a cancelled creator’s works, you just kinda have to stop posting about it?
I feel like once these allegations can no longer damage your reputation or livelihood because of how well off you are, it should be legal for angry villagers to storm your house and lock you in a pillory
saladin: bring me my physician maimonides attendant: at once sir– saladin: maimonideez nuts lol [Saladin would go on to conquer Egypt, Syria, Upper Mesopotamia, the Hejaz, Ligma, Bofa, and Sugonda]
The apparent confidence of my peers is utterly alien to me.
Underrated thing about a decent dynamic with your family as an adult is the little parties you sometimes get to have.
I’m no software engineer, just a humanities person who spent 20 years of my life obsessively studying the question “Can reason be automated?” and feeling extreme distress over the catastrophic consequences, for all of us, of this particular iteration of (re)discovering that the answer is “No”
If last Thursday was an extremely unusually shitty night for Biden, he should still run. If it was something that happens pretty often, the he is unfit to currently be the president, much less to pitch a case for re-election successfully. That’s really the long and the short of it.
Generative AI blowing hot air in the literal and figurative sense.
1) No matter how great of a pitch campaigns make to high info loyal voters, they can’t vote twice. 2) Polling infrastructure is so bad, I don’t think anyone has better than a hunch on what lower info infrequent or swing voters are actually thinking.
the people who supported forcing this mess on us in 2020 are very upset you think they're stupid & making fun of them
oh my god it's literally this
the latest Snowden leak: his brain from his ears
Kendrick shouldn’t be president but he should be allowed to determine the Democratic Party nominee
The big story is that the press died at least 10 years ago. We are finally at a true point where the corpse of journalism shambling along on autopilot isn’t up to the task.
Ageism is hiring a 25 year old instead of a better qualified 55 year old. It's not "ageism" to say that an 81 year old or a 78 year old might not be able to handle the world's most demanding job.
The labels thing feels like we’re agreeing that teenagers won’t and shouldn’t use this platform. The ability to attach public labels to other people is like a MySpace “Top 8”-tier teenage life destruction feature.
Bluey is like if The Simpsons was only the heartwarming stuff.
"Nobody used to think men exploiting women was wrong" is up there with "Nobody used to think slavery was wrong" as a really impressive giveaway of who you think counts as "nobody".
“Rich men, follow literally any rule” challenge. Never accomplished.
“Don’t fuck the nanny” feels like it should be a rich guy 101 rule.