
I don't want to sound too patronizing! If you want to create the public support for a future Dem trifecta to term-limit the court or expand it, go ahead. The dream Dem scenario for 2025 is another 51-49 Senate - GOP picks up WV, Allred beats Cruz, no other flips.
scotus is ripping up abortion rights, pre-ordaining a future donald trump a lawless god king, rolling back the new deal and gains of the civil rights movement. nobody has to give a shit what dave weigel thinks is the "right" way to do anything
Creating public support for dramatic change is exactly what most people posting about this stuff want and is also exactly the thing elected democrats are unwilling/unable to do. But it's where we MUST start
Spoken: “If you want to create the public support for a future Dem trifecta to term-limit the Court or expand it, go ahead.” Unspoken: “But I won’t support you or help you, because that’s a lot of long term work and I will focus on the next election, forever.” — This is also Dem Party philosophy.
He’s just a journalist he’s not the Democratic Party.
Yeah I know, I was just adding that last bit as a BTW.
deffo true of the dem party, maybe not dave weigel specifically
It is on this issue, where he's posting to say that the dems should not do the good thing.
On this issue? The quote is “But I won’t support you or help you, because that’s a lot of long term work and I will focus on the next election, forever.” Thats not the same as what you said!! People can be bad individually without being each other!
Weigel's quote tweet of Michael's quote tweet exists because Michael quote tweeted weigel specifically posting how he doesn't like people talking about court packing.
Yes, on this issue, weigel's position is clearly "I will actively oppose any attempt to fix this problem."
Dave is saying even in the best possible scenario the Senate will be only slightly more democratic/less deadlocked than it is today
Dave is only talking about what’s in front of him, and cares not one bit for long term projects. This is also the Democratic Party philosophy.
vague long term plans to change public opinion is the exact opposite of what a *Democratic* party is meant to do.
Yep. How’s that working out? ::looks at Republicans’ decades long project to overturn Roe:: So maybe the Dem Party has to reexamine its priors regarding long term projects?
What long term project? The public is already against Dobbs. Pro-life has been underwater for decades.
Like the GOP built public support for overturning Roe? That’s not how this works. We need to create pub support for something popular & visceral like “hang scam robocall barons by their ankles and beat them with whiffle bats” and then you send emails on that while you do the other thing on the DL.
“Build public support” like the GOP has for cutting taxes on the wealthy, which is the ONLY way they’ve been able to do that every time they gain power. They got the public on board with it via savvy arguments and persistence in making the case, and were ultimately able to make it happen. Lol
Dave Weigel taking the bold stance that people should merely build support for things without ever saying them, joining basically every democratic official.
Term limits on the court would require a constitutional amendment. Dem trifecta won't cut it, need that plus Dem state.
My new motto is, “if it can have a national park, it can have two senators and electoral college votes”
Also McConnell dies and Beshear appoints a D
Screwing up WI, ME, and NCx2 (not to mention FL) has put em in a bind
Democrats are certain to lose W. Virginia, almost certain to lose Montana & Ohio If you had looked at the polls in Texas, Cruz is almost certainly going to win. This is not a good year for Democrats are defending 23 seats Republicans 11 Several others.
2024 US Senate Predictions Based On the LATEST POLLS in Every Contest! Let’s fill out a 2024 US Senate map based on the latest poll taken in all 34 contested races. Democrats must defend 23 of the 34 Senate seats up for election...